发布时间:2018-07-22 11:37
【摘要】:赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯的社会讽刺小说记录了英国发生的巨变,表达了威尔斯对社会的担忧。《托诺-邦盖》被誉为威尔斯最杰出的社会讽刺小说,蕴含着深刻的历史内涵。但是针对这部小说与新历史主义之间的关系而展开的研究为数不多。因此,在总结以往研究的基础上,本文尝试在新历史主义理论的指导下,重新解读这部小说以便更加深刻地理解这部作品中所体现的文本与历史的关系。 通过分析《托诺-邦盖》这部小说的历史语境,揭示下层中产阶级的生活状况以及维多利亚时期的权力话语,本文讨论了威尔斯如何通过探寻自我身份以及挑战主流意识形态来塑造自我。 通过以上分析,本文总结出《托诺-邦盖》充分表现了新历史主义文学观:社会力量对自我意识的建构有着深远影响。文学中的自我和社会身份都是在文化的影响中形成的。
[Abstract]:The social satire by Herbert George Wells records the great changes that have taken place in England and expresses Welsh's concern about society. Tono Bongo is regarded as Wales' most outstanding social satire with profound historical connotation. But there are few studies on the relationship between the novel and the new historicism. Therefore, on the basis of summarizing the previous studies, this paper attempts to reinterpret the novel under the guidance of the new historicism theory in order to better understand the relationship between the text and history embodied in the novel. By analyzing the historical context of this novel, Tono-Bongo reveals the living conditions of the lower middle class and the power discourse of the Victorian era. This paper discusses how Wells shapes himself by exploring self-identity and challenging mainstream ideology. Based on the above analysis, this paper concludes that Tono-Bongo fully expresses the new historical literary view: social forces have a profound influence on the construction of self-consciousness. The self and social identity in literature are formed by the influence of culture.
[Abstract]:The social satire by Herbert George Wells records the great changes that have taken place in England and expresses Welsh's concern about society. Tono Bongo is regarded as Wales' most outstanding social satire with profound historical connotation. But there are few studies on the relationship between the novel and the new historicism. Therefore, on the basis of summarizing the previous studies, this paper attempts to reinterpret the novel under the guidance of the new historicism theory in order to better understand the relationship between the text and history embodied in the novel. By analyzing the historical context of this novel, Tono-Bongo reveals the living conditions of the lower middle class and the power discourse of the Victorian era. This paper discusses how Wells shapes himself by exploring self-identity and challenging mainstream ideology. Based on the above analysis, this paper concludes that Tono-Bongo fully expresses the new historical literary view: social forces have a profound influence on the construction of self-consciousness. The self and social identity in literature are formed by the influence of culture.
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