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发布时间:2018-08-04 15:10
【摘要】:洪世泰是我们朝鲜文学史上真正的形成委巷文坛,开启文学空间的代表人物。他既是18世纪后使委巷文学在朝鲜文学史上占重要地位的先驱者,也是具有近代意识的进步文人。 更为重要的是他在个人的贫困与不幸之中,聚集委巷人的诗作品出版“海东遗珠”,不仅是为了委巷文学的空间,而且把委巷文学提高到士大夫文学同样地位的艰苦努力的结果,他通过这样的努力,把原本两班所有物的汉诗创作扩大到委巷人的范畴,结果到18世纪以后建立委巷人的近代意识化与文化领域的扩大起了非常重要的作用,而且到了19世纪因此而产生大量的委巷文学人才,进而把委巷人的文学在朝鲜近代文学的移行期起到举足轻重的作用做了不可磨灭的贡献。 纵观洪世泰文学的形成背景,因社会经济的变化引起的大都市的气氛和文学思想的新倾向使他的天生具有的诗作才能发挥的淋漓尽致创造了有利的条件,并且与文学见识卓越的部分士大夫们的交往更加给他提供了许多良好的条件。 但他生活的时代是社会,经济的变化与一起,上层势力内部的矛盾日趋尖锐化的时期,百姓们的生活越来越荒废等诸多社会矛盾更加深化的时期,为此迫切需要现实对应的文化的时期,面面对这样的矛盾,一方面在抵抗,另一方面渴望平等社会的民众的志向一起,切实需要近代指向性文化的时期。 在这样的时代,近代意识到了朝鲜后期要委巷文人所发扬光大,并且完成,同时把朝鲜中世纪文化转变到近代文化,但它的始初是17世纪初,林俊元、洪世泰所创导的落社开始,更为重要的是林俊元死后,洪世泰主导洛社起了中间作用。 朝鲜后期委巷诗人洪世泰在他的文集里留下了2218首庞大分量的诗作品,他的名声可以说当时清政府使馆到了我国要诗作品的时候,朝廷专门给洪世泰的诗的程度。 注目洪世泰作为专门诗人,对他的研究成果来看,他的一生与诗社活动,文学论和作品研究,委港文学中他的地位等等,已经取得了很大成果,上述研究很多部分看法都为一致,但他的诗作品创作的主题性研究或谈论他的近代意识的部分却很少。
[Abstract]:Hong Shitai is a representative figure in the history of Korean literature. He is not only the pioneer who made Wei Xiang literature play an important role in the history of Korean literature after the 18th century, but also the progressive literati with modern consciousness. What is more important is that in the midst of his personal poverty and misfortune, he gathered together the poetry works of Wei Xiang Ren to publish "the bead of Haidong", not only for the sake of the literary space of Wei Xiang. And the result of his hard efforts to raise the literature of Wei Xiang to the same position as that of the literati and officials. Through such efforts, he expanded the original creation of Chinese poetry belonging to the two classes to the category of the people in Wei Xiang. As a result, the establishment of the modern consciousness of the Wei Xiang people and the expansion of the cultural field after the 18th century played a very important role, and in the 19th century, a large number of literary talents were produced. Thus, Wei Xiang Man's literature played an important role in the migration period of Korean modern literature, which made an indelible contribution. Looking at the background of Hong Shi-tai 's literature, the atmosphere of metropolis and the new tendency of literary thought caused by the social and economic changes have created favorable conditions for his natural poetic talent. And the communication with some literati and bureaucrats who had excellent literary knowledge provided him with many good conditions. However, he lived in a period of social and economic changes, a period in which the contradictions within the upper classes became increasingly acute, and when the lives of the people became increasingly desolate, and many social contradictions deepened. Therefore, we urgently need the period of realistic corresponding culture, facing such contradictions, on the one hand, resistance, on the other hand, the aspirations of the people who yearn for an equal society, and really need the period of modern oriented culture. In such an era, modern times realized that the late stage of North Korea should be carried forward by the literati, and the completion of the North Korean medieval culture into modern culture, but it began at the beginning of the 17th century, Lin Junyuan, Hong Shitai's creation and guidance began, and more importantly, after the death of Lin Junyuan, Hong Shitai led the Luoshe to play an intermediate role. Hong Shi-tai, a late Korean poet, left 2218 poems in his collection. His reputation can be said that when the Qing government embassy came to our country to ask for poetry, the court gave Hong Shi-tai a special poem. As a special poet, he has made great achievements in his life and activities in poetry society, literary theory and works research, his position in the literature of Wei Hong Kong, and so on. Many of the above studies are consistent, but few of his poetic works are thematic research or talk about his modern consciousness.


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