[Abstract]:Singapore English literature is a major branch of post-colonial literature. As one of the most important works in Singaporean English literature, "if we dream too long" is considered to be Singapore's first serious novel written in English. The author of the novel, Wu Baoxing, is a literary pioneer in Singapore, a famous poet and playwright. Set in Singapore in the 1960s, the novel tells the story of a western-educated young man of Chinese descent struggling between reality and ideal. Looking at the studies at home and abroad, postcolonial literature studies mainly focus on African literature, American minority literature, Canadian literature, and West Indian literature, etc. Therefore, the study of Singaporean English literature has some new ideas in the study of topics. Post-colonial theory is widely used to analyze post-colonial literature. In said's Orientalism, he borrows Gramsci's cultural hegemony, expounds how the Suzerain rules the colonies through cultural hegemony, and reveals the central and marginal power relationship between the colonists and the colonized. Sardar's oriental concept of Orientalism refers to those oriental whose thoughts have been completely westernized, which are the product of western cultural hegemony. Homi Baba proposed to break the framework of the right relationship between colonists and colonized people and to establish a "mixed" identity to eliminate colonialism and cultural hegemony. In the process of eliminating the cultural hegemony and constructing a nation-state, Benedict Anderson proposed that a country is an imaginary community. Singapore English literature has obvious postcolonial characteristics, so it is reasonable and feasible to analyze Singapore English literature with postcolonial theory. This paper attempts to interpret Singapore writer Wu Baoxing's novel "if our Dream too long" from a post-colonial perspective, in order to help readers better understand the humanism of Singaporean writer Wu Baoxing and the connotation of this work. This paper attempts to evaluate the value of the novel by analyzing how Wu Baoxing expresses his humanistic concern. By reading the text carefully, this paper attempts to reveal that Singapore was still influenced by western cultural hegemonism after independence, and that Singaporeans' cultural identity was anxious in the process of Western hegemony. There are five chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces Wu Baoxing and if our Dream too long, summarizes the domestic and foreign research on this work, combs the relevant postcolonial theory, and expounds the significance, method and structure of this thesis. The second chapter mainly analyzes the text which embodies the dominant position of western culture in the novel. The third chapter mainly analyzes the texts of oriental culture. Chapter four analyzes how the writer constructs the "imaginary community" of Singapore through national narration. The fifth chapter describes the Singaporean identity crisis, as well as the protagonist's cultural identity anxiety and choice. The sixth chapter is a summary of the research results.
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