[Abstract]:J. M. Kuche, a famous contemporary South African novelist, won the World Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003 after winning two Booker Literary Awards. His works cover many themes and the narrative form is unique and novel. Kuche's latest novel, Summer, was published. The novel uses a unique narrative technique to describe the life of John Kuchet in the 1970s, which has attracted worldwide attention and become the focus of attention of many scholars and critics. But few critics study the narrative of his biography in the novel Summer, so, This paper will focus on the analysis of Kuchet's latest work, Summer, and make a detailed and systematic study of the narrative characteristics of his Biography in the novel Summer, which are musical and pictorial. It is considered that Kuchet has successfully applied musical and painting techniques to the creation of novels, infusing many elements of music and painting into the creation of novels, so that the literary texts of novels have strong musical and artistic effects. At the same time, this paper holds that Kuchet's narrative of "his biography" in the novel "Summer" is not only a need of artistic expression, but also an expression of the author's honesty and candor to his truth through the narrative of "he Zhuan". The deep interpretation of the distortion of human nature and the profound revelation of the absurd social reality in South Africa. The paper is divided into five parts. In the introduction part, the author and his works are discussed, the present situation of Kuchet's autobiography, the literature review, and the development of western biographies are summarized, pointing out the biographies. The autobiography and Kuche's biography of him are inherited on the one hand and developed on the other. Through reviewing the biographical theory, the author further deepens the reader's understanding of Kuche's "his Biography" and provides a theoretical framework to support this study: "he Zhuan" narrative. The first chapter studies the musical characteristics of the narration of "he Zhuan" in his works. Based on the analysis of the narrative layer structure and narrative form of the novel Summer, this paper reveals the musical characteristics and musical artistic effects in the narration of Kuche's novels. The second chapter analyzes the painting characteristics of the narration of "he Zhuan" from three aspects. Through the analysis and discussion of the narrative of multi-visual angle of view, the narrative of collage and the narrative of visual picture, this paper reveals the characteristics of painting and the artistic effect of painting in the narrative of novel. The third chapter focuses on the textual significance of the narration of his Biography in Summer. The significance of the narration of "his biography" in the author's novels lies in the creation of the effect of defamiliarization narrative and the transformation of the author's role with the reader, the theme of which is to confess the truth of himself and interpret the distortion of human nature. The last part is the conclusion: in the narration of the autobiographical novel "Summer", Kuche successfully shapes the musical and painting characteristics of the novel, which not only makes the work have profound textual significance. Moreover, it has made great contribution to the development of literary narrative art and provided reference value for the future literary creation mode.
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