发布时间:2018-09-13 07:51
【摘要】:罗杰·马丁·杜加尔(Roger Marin du Gard,1881-1958)是法国二十世纪上半叶最杰出的现实主义作家之一。他的长篇小说《蒂博一家》(1922-1940)因“以真实有力的艺术手法描绘了人性冲突和当代生活中的某些重要层面”而获得1937年诺贝尔文学奖。这部小说的获奖有着深刻的社会和现实意义,因此,探索小说中的主要社会关系与该社会的现实原型是理解《蒂博一家》以及马丁·杜加尔文学创作的关键。 马丁·杜加尔研究在国外已颇具规模,目前既有的研究成果主要关注作家对待政治的态度、作家的叙事技巧、作家在戏剧方面的成就、作家对战争以及宗教看法的变迁、作家的人道主义等等。在对《蒂博一家》小说内容的研究、对马丁·杜加尔日记和通信集的探索、对《蒂博一家》在中国的接受和翻译研究方面,尚留有较大的空白。本论文结合文学社会学、文本分析以及比较文学等相关理论与研究方法,选取《蒂博一家》中的社会关系作为研究重点,从作品中的法国社会以及人的生存状况,作品产生之前的法国社会及作者所处的环境,作品问世后在中国社会中的接受三个角度,对作品的人物塑造及其和社会的关系进行深入探究,并对影响这部作品生成的作家个人经历、文学观、哲学观和世界观加以阐释。本论文将是国内马丁·杜加尔研究的首部专著。 论文主要分为三大部分。第一部分探讨家庭、两性、社会和人类命运在《蒂博一家》中的具体呈现,阐述作品对人与社会、人与世界之关系的理解。《蒂博一家》中的家庭关系主要分为父子关系与兄弟关系,代表人物为雅克和蒂博先生、雅克与安托万。这两类关系均表现出爱恨交织、亲疏两难的复杂性。在这种关系中,意识形态起了较大的作用,体现出社会与阶级对家庭、对人物在家庭中的身份造成的影响。在《蒂博一家》的两性关系中,男性往往徘徊于肉体之爱与精神之爱之间,而女性则挣扎于对男性的依赖与对独立的向往之中。小说中战前的女性形象远不及对男性人物的刻画。一战的爆发在一定程度上打破了两性关系的原有格局,女性的社会地位有所上升。战争既受社会意识形态和经济关系的制约,又影响社会关系和社会发展方向。再次,《蒂博一家》的故事情节发生于二十世纪初政教分离之后、宗教受到科学的剧烈冲击之时,但天主教徒与新教徒之间的仇视,信徒与无神论者之间的隔阂仍然十分突出;小说中工人阶级与资产阶级之间的矛盾则呼应了二十世纪初法国风起云涌的社会运动。虽然小说中诸多人物在辈分、性别、职业、信仰、意识形态诸方面各据其位,甚至互成对立之势,但小说的重心在于人物共同的悲剧命运:对孤独的抵抗、对死亡的恐惧、人与人之间的沟通难度、精神与肉体之间的对立、历史与社会现实的无情等等。作者由此将读者的目光导向全人类共同的生存条件,使小说超越了个体与时空的局限。 本文第二部分分析了《蒂博一家》中社会关系的原型,社会现实对马丁·杜加尔世界观、文学观的塑造以及外界对《蒂博一家》创作过程的影响。首先通过对作家日记与通信集的研究,将作家对人的生存状况的理解分为家庭、爱情、宗教、死亡、战争五大方面。作家本人的生活经历和内心世界充满矛盾:乐观与悲观,叛逆与保守,爱情与友谊,对人性缺点的清醒认识和对人类命运的深切同情,对宗教价值的认识与对教会滥权的憎恶等等。《蒂博一家》在一定程度上可被视为自传性小说,但是其自传性并不在于作家个人生活的再现和艺术化,而在于作家力图将个人对人类生存状况的观察与思索浓缩提炼,而后注入种种性格迥异然而具有普遍代表性的人物,通过书中人物的日常生活、对话以及内心独白而达到感染读者的目的。为此,作家在认同托尔斯泰对其创作影响的基础之上,确定了具体的创作方法,主要表现为:注重人物的真实与生动,对心理世界的深入挖掘,作家的客观与冷静,素材的积累与史料的翔实,对形式与内容辩证关系的认识,对作品总体和局部关系的把握,对“是”、“似”、“非”的拿捏,等等。在马丁·杜加尔看来,上述创作方法与其《新法兰西评论》的众多好友的创作方法截然不同,既继承了现实主义传统和前人严谨的创作态度,又摒弃了诸如描述过于冗长,行文衔接不够自然的一些缺点。尽管如此,马丁·杜加尔的成功与《新法兰西评论》密不可分,二三十年代《新法兰西评论》的核心作家对《蒂博一家》的创作亦起了很大的影响。纪德、加斯东·伽利马、施伦伯格、杜阿梅尔、雅克·科波等皆以各自的方式帮助作者坚定自己的文学创作观,加强《蒂博一家》的艺术真实。在《新法兰西评论》历经一个世纪的风雨之后,对创刊之初该社作家之间的文学友谊做一回顾总结,有利于我们更好地理解当时的法国社会以及文学在社会中的地位与影响。 本文最后一部分首先介绍了马丁·杜加尔的作品在中国的接受现状。虽然他的作品大部分被译成中文,但相关研究却非常单薄,读者也越来越少。《蒂博一家》于1992年之后未再版。为抓住这种现象的本质,本文在注重小说翻译与社会历史现实之间的关系的基础上,从人们生活方式的改变、读者阅读习惯的变迁、中西读者对战争的不同看法、中国读者对法国小说的期待视野、评论家对小说接受的影响、社会意识形态对文学的制约等方面寻找《蒂博一家》在中国缺少读者的根本原因。最后一章对《蒂博一家》和巴金的《激流三部曲》进行了平行研究。这两部作品几乎完成于同一时期,虽然它们的社会历史背景有很大差异,但在对家庭、两性、社会、宗教四大关系理解和处理上却有许多相似之处:通过描写同胞兄弟的故事,来展现青年一代如何面对父权和家庭冲突,在风云变幻的社会环境之中为新生活而奋斗。蒂博两兄弟和高家三兄弟都生活在父权的桎梏之下、同胞的隔阂之中,但是他们对父亲和兄弟怀有温情,渴盼家人的理解。小说初始,女性人物的社会地位都比较低,但是随着故事的发展和时间的推进,女性在人身和思想上都渐渐得到解放,也越来越懂得争取自己的权益。从社会层面来看,两部小说都描写了无产阶级力量的崛起和统治阶级(《蒂博一家》中的大资产阶级和《激流》中的封建阶级)的衰落乃至解体。同时,两部小说还描写了宗教信仰(天主教或儒家)的僵化以及新思想给主流思想带来的冲击。虽然表面上两部作品对这些主流思想持反对态度,但实质上都是反对人对宗教的歪曲和为私利而利用宗教的社会现实,激发读者回到宗教的源头,并思索人与人、人与自我之间的关系。 马丁·杜加尔的《蒂博一家》真实描绘了一幅二十世纪初法国社会的画卷。在社会环境及个人生活经历的影响下,在对真理和文学的不懈追求中,作者着力刻画社会关系对人的制约、人在社会中的困惑和彷徨以及人面对命运时西绪弗斯式的努力。这些主题贯穿于《蒂博一家》之中,不仅贴合二十世纪初法国社会的脉搏,在当今社会仍然具有深刻的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Roger Marin Du Gard (1881-1958) is one of the most outstanding French realistic writers in the first half of the twentieth century. His novel The Tibers (1922-1940) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1937 for "depicting the conflict of human nature and certain important aspects of contemporary life in a truly powerful artistic way." The award-winning novel has profound social and practical significance. Therefore, exploring the main social relations and the realistic prototype of the society in the novel is the key to understanding the Tibers and Martin Dugar's literary creation.
Martin Dugar's research abroad has been quite large-scale. The existing research results mainly focus on writers'attitude towards politics, writers' narrative skills, writers'achievements in drama, writers' changes in views of war and religion, writers'humanitarianism and so on. There is still a big gap in the study of the acceptance and translation of the Tibers in China. This paper, based on the theories and methods of literary sociology, text analysis and comparative literature, selects the social relations in the Tibers as the research focus, from the French society and people in the works. This paper makes a thorough inquiry into the characterization of the work and its relationship with society from three perspectives: the living conditions of the French society before the production of the work, the environment in which the author lived, and the acceptance of the work in Chinese society after its publication. It also explains the writer's personal experiences, literary views, philosophical views and world outlook which influence the production of the work. Wen will be the first monograph written by Martin Dugal in China.
The first part discusses the concrete presentation of family, gender, society and human destiny in the Tibers, and expounds the understanding of the relationship between man and society, man and the world. Antoine. These two kinds of relationships show the complexity of love and hate and the dilemma of intimacy and estrangement. The outbreak of World War I broke the original pattern of the relationship between the sexes to a certain extent, and women's social status rose. The war was restricted by social ideology and economic relations, but also affected. Thirdly, after the separation of church and state in the early twentieth century, religion was severely impacted by science, but the animosity between Catholics and Protestants, the estrangement between believers and atheists, and the working class and the bourgeoisie in the novel are still very prominent. Contradictions echo the surging social movements in France in the early twentieth century. Although many characters in the novel are in opposition to each other in terms of rank, sex, occupation, belief and ideology, the focus of the novel lies in the common tragic fate of the characters: resistance to loneliness, fear of death, and the gulf between people. The author directs the reader's attention to the common living conditions of all mankind, thus making the novel transcend the limitations of individual and time and space.
The second part of this paper analyzes the prototype of social relations in the Tibers, the influence of social reality on Martin Dugar's world outlook, the shaping of literary outlook and the influence of the outside world on the creative process of the Tibers. The writer's own life experience and inner world are full of contradictions: optimism and pessimism, rebellion and conservatism, love and friendship, a clear understanding of human shortcomings and deep sympathy for the fate of mankind, an understanding of religious values and an abhorrence of church abuse, etc. can be regarded as autobiographical to some extent. The Autobiography of the novel, however, does not lie in the reappearance and artistry of the writer's personal life, but in the writer's efforts to condense and refine his personal observations and Reflections on the living conditions of mankind, and then inject into various characters with different but universal representations, through the daily life of the characters in the book, dialogue and inner monologue to achieve infection. Therefore, on the basis of identifying Tolstoy's influence on his writing, the writer determines the specific methods of his writing, which mainly include: paying attention to the truth and vividness of the characters, digging deep into the psychological world, the writer's objectivity and calmness, the accumulation of material and the fullness of historical materials, the understanding of the dialectical relationship between form and content. In Martin Dugar's view, the above-mentioned creative methods are quite different from those of many of his friends in the New French Review, which inherits the tradition of realism and the rigorous creative attitude of predecessors, and abandons the over-lengthy description. Nevertheless, Martin Dugar's success was closely related to the New French Review, and the core writers of the New French Review in the 1920s and 1930s had a great influence on the creation of the Tibers. After a century of hardships and hardships in the New French Review, a retrospective summary of the literary friendship between the writers at the beginning of the publication will help us to better understand the French society at that time and the status of literature in society. Influence.
The last part of this paper first introduces the acceptance of Martin Dugar's works in China. Although most of his works have been translated into Chinese, the relevant studies are very weak and the readers are getting fewer and fewer. On the basis of the relationship between reality and reality, the author tries to find the root of the lack of readers in China from the aspects of the change of people's life style, the change of readers'reading habits, the different views of Chinese and Western readers on the war, the expectation of Chinese readers on French novels, the influence of critics on the acceptance of novels, and the restriction of social ideology on literature. The last chapter is a parallel study of the Tibers and Bajin's Rapids Trilogy. These two works are almost completed in the same period. Although their social and historical backgrounds are quite different, they have many similarities in understanding and handling the four major relationships of family, gender, society and religion: by describing the brothers of their countrymen. The story shows how the younger generation struggles for a new life in the changing social environment in the face of patriarchal and family conflicts. Both the two brothers and the three brothers live under the yoke of patriarchal power and the estrangement of their compatriots, but they have warm feelings for their fathers and brothers and long for the understanding of their families. Both novels describe the rise of proletarian power and the ruling class (< the Tiberians > the big bourgeoisie and < the torrent > from a social perspective. At the same time, the two novels depict the rigidity of religious beliefs (Catholicism or Confucianism) and the impact of new ideas on the mainstream ideology. Although the two novels seem to oppose these mainstream ideas, they are essentially against the distortion of religion and the use of religion for personal gain. Social reality stimulates readers to return to the source of religion and ponder the relationship between man and man, between man and himself.
Martin Dugar's The Tibers truly portrayed a picture of French society in the early twentieth century. Influenced by the social environment and personal life experience, and in his unremitting pursuit of truth and literature, the author focuses on describing the constraints of social relations on human beings, the confusion and hesitation of human beings in society, and the Sisyphus-style of human beings in the face of their fate. Efforts. These themes run through the Tibers, not only in line with the pulse of the early twentieth century French society, in today's society still has a profound practical significance.
[Abstract]:Roger Marin Du Gard (1881-1958) is one of the most outstanding French realistic writers in the first half of the twentieth century. His novel The Tibers (1922-1940) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1937 for "depicting the conflict of human nature and certain important aspects of contemporary life in a truly powerful artistic way." The award-winning novel has profound social and practical significance. Therefore, exploring the main social relations and the realistic prototype of the society in the novel is the key to understanding the Tibers and Martin Dugar's literary creation.
Martin Dugar's research abroad has been quite large-scale. The existing research results mainly focus on writers'attitude towards politics, writers' narrative skills, writers'achievements in drama, writers' changes in views of war and religion, writers'humanitarianism and so on. There is still a big gap in the study of the acceptance and translation of the Tibers in China. This paper, based on the theories and methods of literary sociology, text analysis and comparative literature, selects the social relations in the Tibers as the research focus, from the French society and people in the works. This paper makes a thorough inquiry into the characterization of the work and its relationship with society from three perspectives: the living conditions of the French society before the production of the work, the environment in which the author lived, and the acceptance of the work in Chinese society after its publication. It also explains the writer's personal experiences, literary views, philosophical views and world outlook which influence the production of the work. Wen will be the first monograph written by Martin Dugal in China.
The first part discusses the concrete presentation of family, gender, society and human destiny in the Tibers, and expounds the understanding of the relationship between man and society, man and the world. Antoine. These two kinds of relationships show the complexity of love and hate and the dilemma of intimacy and estrangement. The outbreak of World War I broke the original pattern of the relationship between the sexes to a certain extent, and women's social status rose. The war was restricted by social ideology and economic relations, but also affected. Thirdly, after the separation of church and state in the early twentieth century, religion was severely impacted by science, but the animosity between Catholics and Protestants, the estrangement between believers and atheists, and the working class and the bourgeoisie in the novel are still very prominent. Contradictions echo the surging social movements in France in the early twentieth century. Although many characters in the novel are in opposition to each other in terms of rank, sex, occupation, belief and ideology, the focus of the novel lies in the common tragic fate of the characters: resistance to loneliness, fear of death, and the gulf between people. The author directs the reader's attention to the common living conditions of all mankind, thus making the novel transcend the limitations of individual and time and space.
The second part of this paper analyzes the prototype of social relations in the Tibers, the influence of social reality on Martin Dugar's world outlook, the shaping of literary outlook and the influence of the outside world on the creative process of the Tibers. The writer's own life experience and inner world are full of contradictions: optimism and pessimism, rebellion and conservatism, love and friendship, a clear understanding of human shortcomings and deep sympathy for the fate of mankind, an understanding of religious values and an abhorrence of church abuse, etc.
The last part of this paper first introduces the acceptance of Martin Dugar's works in China. Although most of his works have been translated into Chinese, the relevant studies are very weak and the readers are getting fewer and fewer. On the basis of the relationship between reality and reality, the author tries to find the root of the lack of readers in China from the aspects of the change of people's life style, the change of readers'reading habits, the different views of Chinese and Western readers on the war, the expectation of Chinese readers on French novels, the influence of critics on the acceptance of novels, and the restriction of social ideology on literature. The last chapter is a parallel study of the Tibers and Bajin's Rapids Trilogy. These two works are almost completed in the same period. Although their social and historical backgrounds are quite different, they have many similarities in understanding and handling the four major relationships of family, gender, society and religion: by describing the brothers of their countrymen. The story shows how the younger generation struggles for a new life in the changing social environment in the face of patriarchal and family conflicts. Both the two brothers and the three brothers live under the yoke of patriarchal power and the estrangement of their compatriots, but they have warm feelings for their fathers and brothers and long for the understanding of their families. Both novels describe the rise of proletarian power and the ruling class (< the Tiberians > the big bourgeoisie and < the torrent > from a social perspective. At the same time, the two novels depict the rigidity of religious beliefs (Catholicism or Confucianism) and the impact of new ideas on the mainstream ideology. Although the two novels seem to oppose these mainstream ideas, they are essentially against the distortion of religion and the use of religion for personal gain. Social reality stimulates readers to return to the source of religion and ponder the relationship between man and man, between man and himself.
Martin Dugar's The Tibers truly portrayed a picture of French society in the early twentieth century. Influenced by the social environment and personal life experience, and in his unremitting pursuit of truth and literature, the author focuses on describing the constraints of social relations on human beings, the confusion and hesitation of human beings in society, and the Sisyphus-style of human beings in the face of their fate. Efforts. These themes run through the Tibers, not only in line with the pulse of the early twentieth century French society, in today's society still has a profound practical significance.