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发布时间:2018-09-14 17:27
【摘要】:杰米福特是21世纪美国华裔文坛的后起之秀,其长篇小说处女作《悲喜边缘的旅馆》一经发表便引起巨大反响。本文以小说中的爱情故事为线索,分析书中展现的在美华裔移民父子之间的矛盾,探究父子矛盾的根源以及矛盾的解决,即父子之间和谐关系的建立。 论文分为三部分。第一章从文化价值观、自我身份定位以及种族观念三个方面入手探讨小说中亨利与父亲、亨利与马蒂这两对父子间的矛盾。亨利的父亲代表的是中国传统儒家文化思想;亨利尽管出生在一个传统的中国家庭中,但接受的美国教育,拥有半西方化的文化价值观。亨利的父亲坚守着中国式的生存方式,成为美国社会中一个坚定的“他者”;而亨利则为自己的身份所困惑,是一个无根的漂泊者。在种族观念方面,亨利的父亲是一个极端的民族主义者;而亨利的种族观念则更为和谐,,认为各个民族之间完全可以和平共处。第二章分析父子矛盾产生的原因。第一,中美文化之间的巨大差异是造成矛盾的主要原因。中国文化是家族本位式的,而美国文化则是个人本位式的;中国文化内向而美国文化外向。不同的文化特质造成了父子二人对事情不同的看法,从而导致了父子矛盾的产生。第二,亨利缺少对自己家族历史的了解,家族记忆的缺失使得亨利无法理解父亲的所作所为,进而加深了父子矛盾。第三,由于语言和情感的障碍使得亨利与父亲难以沟通,矛盾变得愈发激化。第四,父子关系本身的复杂性和脆弱性使得亨利通常对父亲抱有一种天然的敌意,而这种敌意也成为父子矛盾的导火索。第三章探讨父子间和谐关系的建立。文化身份上,亨利与马蒂建立了一个属于他们自己的第三空间,在这个空间里他们对中美文化进行了杂糅,找到了自己的文化定位——美国式的外在存在,中国式的内在情怀。同时,亨利逐渐消除了种族观念上的困惑,建立了种族融合的思想。最后,在血缘的带动下,亨利与马蒂得以真正地展开交流、沟通,父子矛盾得以解决。 本论文的研究表明:通过文化身份的确认、负面种族观念的消除以及彼此的相互理解,美国华裔父子之间的矛盾完全可以得到解除,从而建立起一种和谐的父子关系模式。
[Abstract]:Jamie Ford is a rising star of Chinese American literature in the 21st century. The first chapter discusses the contradiction between Henry and father, Henry and Marty. Henry's father represented the Chinese traditional Confucian culture. Although he was born in a traditional Chinese family, Henry received an American education with a semi-westernized cultural value. In terms of race, Henry's father was an extreme nationalist, and Henry's race was more harmonious, believing that nations could coexist peacefully. The second chapter analyzes the causes of the contradiction between father and son. First, the huge cultural differences between China and the United States are the main cause of the contradiction. Secondly, Henry's lack of understanding of his family's history and his lack of family memory made him unable to understand his father's actions, which deepened the contradiction between father and son. Fourth, the complexity and fragility of the paternal relationship makes Henry usually have a natural hostility to his father, which is the trigger of the father's conflict. Chapter three discusses the establishment of the harmonious relationship between father and son. In terms of cultural identity, Henry and Marty set up a third space belonging to themselves, in which they blended the Chinese and American cultures and found their own cultural orientation-the external existence of the American style and the inner feelings of the Chinese style. At the same time, Henry gradually eliminated the confusion of racial concept and established the idea of racial integration.


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4 刘林平;;儒家思想中的家族主义[J];中山大学学报论丛;1996年01期




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