[Abstract]:Pearl Buck's works are in a unique position in the history of American literature. As an American writer who has long been influenced by Chinese and American cultures, his works show a distinctive perspective. However, Pearl Buck's work in China and the United States in the process of canonization is not smooth. Because Pearl Buck's Trilogy is Chinese, American scholars don't think it can represent American narration, so they are not favored by American academic circles. However, because the work truthfully introduced an oriental country to the Western world, it became a window for American readers to really understand a country they were not familiar with, and was eventually accepted. Influenced by the cultural differences between the East and the West, race and religion, the Chinese academic circles regard Pearl Buck as a white writer in the West and reject her. Until the reform and opening up, with the increasingly frequent cross-cultural exchanges between China and the United States, narrow nationalist barriers were gradually broken, Pearl Buck's work was truly accepted as a classic and generally accepted by the Chinese academic community.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古民族大学外国语学院;吉林大学文学院;
【基金】:国家留学基金管理委员会资助项目“美国文学研究”(CSC97822032) 吉林省社会科学基金“十八大”专题重点项目“文学的文化软实力研究”(2013A04)阶段性成果
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