[Abstract]:Gary Snyder is an American writer who tries to absorb Chinese culture and thought. The inspiration of his collection of poems, endless mountains and rivers, comes mainly from a Chinese landscape painting, "endless mountains and rivers". This collection of poems, which lasted about 40 years, is a lifetime masterpiece of Schneider, which contains many elements of Chinese poetry and painting and Buddhist thoughts. These Chinese culture and the author's native consciousness merge together to form Schneider's ecological view. From the perspective of Saeed's theory of travel, this paper analyzes the cultural travel and variation in the collection of poems, endless Mountains and Rivers, and shows Gary Snyder's acceptance of Chinese culture in endless Mountains and Rivers. This article is divided into three chapters except citation and conclusion. The citation first introduces Gary Snyder and his collection of poems, endless Mountains and Rivers, summarizes the domestic and international research literature on endless Mountain and River, and summarizes the theory of said travel and the research problems and significance of this thesis. The first chapter mainly discusses the origin of Schneider and Chinese culture. Including Schneider's study and absorption of Chinese classical poetry, Schneider's study of Chinese landscape painting, and Schneider's study and study of Chinese Buddhist thought. The second chapter mainly discusses the cultural travel in the Book of Poems endless Mountains and Rivers. First of all, it analyzes the Chinese poems and allusions quoted in the anthology, the landscape surface printed in the poetry collection, the landscape poems created according to the Chinese landscape painting in the poetry collection, and also analyzes the Buddhist view of Schneider in the poetry collection. And discussed in detail the poetry which absorbs the Chinese Buddhism element in the poetry collection. The third chapter mainly discusses the variation of Chinese culture in the Book of Poems endless Mountains and Rivers. First of all, the paper interprets the poems that the author creates according to Chinese landscape poems and landscape paintings, but contains ecological circulation factors, and then analyzes the relationship between the "non-anthropocentrism" advocated in the anthology of poems and the thought of "all things have Buddha nature" in Chinese Buddhism. The conclusion of this paper is as follows: by analyzing the cultural travel and variation in "endless Mountains and rivers", the author holds that the ecological and religious views in Gary Snyder "endless Mountains and rivers" are closely related to Chinese culture.
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