[Abstract]:Ian McEwan is one of the most influential writers in English literature. Child in time, which won the Whitbrand Prize, is an important representative of McEwan's transition period of novel creation. It marked the end of Terror Ewan and the beginning of McEwan's more political and social care. Since its publication in 1987, Child in time has won the attention of many critics. They have a rich interpretation of the work, focusing on the theme of children, the theme of time and the relationship between the two. From the perspective of eco-feminism, this paper attempts to explain the rebellion against the view of anthropocentrism and patriarchalism in this work, thus showing McEwan's concern for eco-feminism and the theme of his works. This paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one explores how nature is used to counter the dual opposition of man and nature in Children in time. Through equal treatment of nature, giving nature the self-nature beyond human domination and Stephen's love and need for nature, McEwan challenged the traditional anthropocentrism view of nature. The second chapter analyzes the Eco-feminism gender view in Children in time, which recognizes the self-independence of women and accepts the dependence of men on women. The article analyzes the professional and willpower independence shown by Julie, Tilma and Blair in this work and the rebirth of the material and spiritual worlds that the protagonist Stephen needs to be acquired by Julie and Tilma. This paper discusses McEwan's opposition to the traditional view of male centrism. The third chapter discusses the anti-male supremacy and anti-masculinity-oriented ecological feminist worldview in Children in time. This paper argues that McEwan rebelled against the supremacy of men in the traditional patriarchal system by removing the hero image of male characters and depriving the superiority of masculinity. Eco-feminists are dedicated to the study of the relationship between nature and women. By contrast, it is more comprehensive to study a work from the perspective of nature, women and men. Despite the systematic lack of theory, this paper attempts to use eco-feminist theory to clarify and inspire readers' understanding of the book "Children in time", so as to further clarify the level of consciousness of McEwan in this work. The understanding of artistic ideology and world view.
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