[Abstract]:As we all know, the method of interpreting the text of New criticism is the method of reading carefully. Brooks is recognized as the representative of the New critical Reading method. His "exquisite urn", "introduction to Literature", "understanding Poetry", "understanding novel", "understanding Drama" are widely used as important teaching materials for American college literature education. This paper will be based on the study of Brooks' two important textbooks "understanding Poetry" and "understanding novel". Combined with the cultural and political background of southern conservatism in Brooks, the liberal arts education environment of American universities in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as the influence of T S Eliot and I. A. Richards on Brooks, This paper clarifies the preconceptions and misunderstandings of the past scholars on the "New critical Fine Reading method", such as "New critical Fine Reading method is to separate the society, culture and works, and to separate the readers and authors from the closed reading". It also expounds how Brooks integrates history and traditional analysis into the detailed reading, studies the concrete practical means of the text reading method, reveals the subtle relationship among the readers, the author and the text, and finally emphasizes the history. Tradition and value have the humanistic power which can not be ignored in the detailed reading.
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