[Abstract]:Ian McEwan is an outstanding representative of contemporary British novelists. His early works often involve dark and insidious sensitive topics such as murder, death, incest and so on. However, since the mid-1980s, his writing began to pay more attention to political and social problems, and his writing field of vision has expanded greatly, showing great artistic potential. Since the beginning of the new millennium, McEwan has won double acclaim from critics and readers for a novel called Atonement. At the turn of the century, McEwan reviewed the trauma caused by the war in the last century to human beings. Under the grand historical background, he began serious torture of human nature, and made a thought-provoking inquiry into war and love, the good and evil of human nature. In McEwan's novel sequence, Atonement undoubtedly occupies a unique and important position. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into three chapters. The introduction first introduces McEwan and Atonement briefly, and then makes a detailed review of the research on Atonement in the academic circles at home and abroad. On the basis of this, the significance of this study is put forward. Then the key terms involved in the paper are explained to facilitate the discussion of the paper. The last part of the introduction introduces the viewpoint and structure of this paper. The first chapter briefly describes a central theme throughout the novel: the exploration of human nature. Starting from this theme, the chapter first classifies the evil in human nature with the novel, secondly, combs the motif of atonement in the history of literature, and on this basis, This paper discusses Briony's atonement trip in the real world and the virtual world. The second chapter discusses the content of Atonement. This chapter discusses the main ethical phenomena in the novel from four aspects: family, love, class and writing, including the loss of family structure, the strength and vulnerability of love, class prejudice, and the paradox of writing. On the basis of careful reading of the text, this chapter examines these ethical phenomena from the perspective of ethical criticism and analyzes the reasons for their appearance. The third chapter is the study of the form of Atonement. In this chapter, the narrative ethics of the novel is discussed, and some narrative strategies appear in the novel are summarized, including multi-angle narration, unreliable narrative, embedded text, and so on. This paper probes into the individual ethics and ethical dilemma embodied in the novel from the narrative strategy of the novel. The conclusion part reviews the main stylistic styles of Atonement, and points out that on the basis of inheriting the moral tradition of English literature and under the background of the new era, the writer has injected more post-modern elements. It makes the interpretation of the novel pluralistic, and restates the study of the theme, content and form of the novel.
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