[Abstract]:After more than four hundred years of slavery, black Americans were traumatized psychologically and physically. Especially the black women as mothers, they lost relatives, lost their rights as mothers, suffered the racial oppression of white slave owners, and were persecuted by the gender of white men. Beloved is Toni Morrison's fifth work. Since its publication, the book has been the attention of the majority of scholars. The purpose of this paper is to make a systematic analysis of the theme of trauma and recovery of Babe and Seth in beloved by using the theory of trauma and recovery, and to explore Morrison's understanding of the ways of emancipation of black mothers. Babe and Seth were both slaves, but they were also mothers. The two mothers followed a very different path after similar experiences. Babe wanted to get out of the wound on his own. She named herself 124, became an unincorporated priest, preached in the clearing, hoping to help herself and other blacks. However, she was envious of other blacks because she was only content with spiritual victories and the internalization of racism in the black community. The betrayal of the black community completely deprived Babe of the courage to recover and eventually died in despair. Seth, rather than Babe, is more active in changing his destiny. She left the baby alone and fled the sweet home after six months of pregnancy. When the school teacher followed her, she chose to kill her child. Though the experiences of the past had become an unending wound in her life, and she had once been so addicted to them that she could not save herself, Seth was forced to meet her lover, Paul, her daughter, beloved, and Babe, instead of isolating herself from the outside world. She interacted with Denff and, with their help, returned to her black community. Finally, with the help of the community, she was truly brave enough to face the trauma, witness the harm caused by slavery, and recover from the trauma. Through the story of these two black mothers, Morrison seems to be finding a possible answer to the question of trauma as a traumatized black slave mother who wants to finally heal. We should not only have the courage to challenge slavery, but also rely on the help of the outside world. Only in this way can the wounded slave mother be truly restored.
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