[Abstract]:Aristofen's Hornet tells about the conflict between a father and a son. His father, Philocleone, was feverishly fond of the jury. His son, Bud Luc 贸 n, regarded his father's behaviour as an eccentricity and tried to prevent him from joining the jury. For a long time, it has been widely believed that the play reflects the poet's criticism of the Athenians' customary practice of litigation, as well as the revelation of the consul's use of jury to control citizens. It can be proved that the drama of Hornet has more profound connotation by paying attention to the discrimination between "righteous indignation" and "anger" in the play. The old man's eccentricity comes from his belief in the gods and the democratic system. His son's efforts to change his old man's thoughts are aimed at dispelling the traditional and democratic beliefs with new ideas.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学文学院;
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