发布时间:2020-11-14 06:10
约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924),出生于俄国统治下的波兰,后加入大英帝国商队并取得英国国籍,进而定居英国用英语写作,自称为“混在英国水手中的波兰贵族”。他复杂的个人经历和弥漫当时的帝国主义意识使他对帝国产生独特的矛盾情结,在小说中渗透出来,成为后人分析其作品和当时历史环境的另一个新的视角。在他众多的小说中,《黑暗之心》是其中最能反应作者帝国情结的作品。 帝国主义是一个产生于19世纪用来描述强势权力对弱势权力进行控制的政治术语。它包含两个概念:经济上利用“贸易”的旗号,对弱势国家进行经济剥削;政治上,利用“白人优秀”理论对殖民地进行野蛮统治。赛义德的“文化与帝国主义”理论认为,帝国主义时期的每一个艺术家都受时代的影响,在作品中都会表露出帝国主义意识。福柯的“权力话语”理论认为,知识和权力结合成为一种监视体系,每个人在此监视目光的压抑下就形成了“自我监视”,形成本身独特的思维、写作及话语方式。 《黑暗之心》(又译《黑暗的中心》),写船长马洛指挥一艘汽船沿刚果河深入非洲,一路上不断听说非洲腹地有个名叫库尔兹的白人脱离了“文明世界”,被当地土著奉若神明,尊为领袖。马洛历尽艰险终于见到了他,原来他早已堕落。这部书表现文明与原始的对立,在许多地方对殖民主义表示不满。 《黑暗之心》充满了人文主义和反帝国主义情怀,但受当时占统治地位的意识形态的影响,流露出作者的种族优越感及其对其他民族的歧视。人们感觉到它在抨击和谴责殖民主义在殖民地的罪恶行径的同时,又在极力维护帝国利益和挽救帝国命运的种族主义者。 我们利用赛义德的“文化与帝国主义”理论和福柯的“权力话语”理论,通过解构马洛和库兹两个人物来分析在《黑暗之心》中种族主义和反帝国主义两种认识冲突的存在及其历史的必然性,最终找到作者的反帝根源来自个人道德和个人经历。同时康拉德本身的“人性恶”的观点也是他渴求通过人道主义来反对帝国主义和殖民主义的一个重要原因。从这几个方面给康拉德在历史中重新定位正是本文的写作目的。
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Post-colonial Criticism and Heart of Darkness
2.1 Imperialism and colonialism in Victorian Britain
2.2 Heart of Darkness in the view of postcolonial theory
Chapter 3 Decoding the Narrator Marlow
3.1 Decoding the narrator Marlow
3.2 Anti-imperialism
3.2.1 Marlow's anti-imperialism in Heart of Darkness
3.2.2 Conrad's anti-imperialism in his works
3.3 Imperialism and ethnocentrisms
Chapter 4 Decoding Kurtz
4.1 Deconstruct the image of Kurtz
4.2 Decoding "The Horror! The Horror!"
4.3 Analysis about the reasons for Kurtz's collapse
4.4 Kurtz's death prefigures the future of colonies; for western civilization the book is apocalyptic warning
4.4.1 Conrad's question about imperialism
4.4.2 An apologia warning and Conrad's redemption
Chapter 5 Relocation of Conrad in Postcolonial Criticism
5.1 The sources of anti-imperialism: human nature,morality and experiences
5.1.1 Human nature
5.1.2 Morality
5.1.3 Conrad's experiences
5.1.4 Relations between the three sources
5.2 Relocation of Conrad in postcolonial criticism
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Papers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Post-colonial Criticism and Heart of Darkness
2.1 Imperialism and colonialism in Victorian Britain
2.2 Heart of Darkness in the view of postcolonial theory
Chapter 3 Decoding the Narrator Marlow
3.1 Decoding the narrator Marlow
3.2 Anti-imperialism
3.2.1 Marlow's anti-imperialism in Heart of Darkness
3.2.2 Conrad's anti-imperialism in his works
3.3 Imperialism and ethnocentrisms
Chapter 4 Decoding Kurtz
4.1 Deconstruct the image of Kurtz
4.2 Decoding "The Horror! The Horror!"
4.3 Analysis about the reasons for Kurtz's collapse
4.4 Kurtz's death prefigures the future of colonies; for western civilization the book is apocalyptic warning
4.4.1 Conrad's question about imperialism
4.4.2 An apologia warning and Conrad's redemption
Chapter 5 Relocation of Conrad in Postcolonial Criticism
5.1 The sources of anti-imperialism: human nature,morality and experiences
5.1.1 Human nature
5.1.2 Morality
5.1.3 Conrad's experiences
5.1.4 Relations between the three sources
5.2 Relocation of Conrad in postcolonial criticism
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Papers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree
相关硕士学位论文 前2条
1 赵卿;心灵发现之旅[D];吉林大学;2008年
2 晏玉屏;约瑟夫·康拉德《黑暗之心》的新历史主义解读[D];湖南师范大学;2010年