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发布时间:2020-11-16 14:22
   威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆是二十世纪最有魅力的文学巨匠之一。本文旨在研读毛姆的几部作品的基础上探讨于现代人精神家园丧失的本质以及面临的精神危机。通过对毛姆在不同时期的三部作品《人性的枷锁》、《月亮和六便士》和《刀锋》的研究,本文主要分析了毛姆对于现代人得救之道的探索。 二十世纪以来人类思想意识的转变在毛姆的小说中表现得淋漓尽致。首先,理性主义的发展导致了对于基督教权威的质疑,精神危机开始在人们心中扎根。其次,《物种起源》的发表极大地震动了人类的宗教感情,人类意识到自身并不是“万物之灵长,宇宙之精华”,只是受到教化的动物而已。最后,精神分析学开辟了人类自我认识的新领域,从根本上改变了对人类本性的看法。毛姆正是生活在这个传统意识受到颠覆的时期。他的作品反映了西方人对于社会幻想的破灭,对人生意义的漫长探索。 在第一章中,本文作者从人性问题出发,对毛姆的三部长篇小说加以分析,概述了毛姆小说创作的风格。第二章以毛姆的半自传体长篇小说《人性的枷锁》为代表,从精神分析的角度论述主人公寻找精神家园旅程的开端。第三章进一步论述毛姆对于人性的探索。以《月亮和六便士》为代表,毛姆揭示了对人性自由的追求与社会现实之间的矛盾。运用马克思主义批评的方法,作者说明了毛姆作为一个“贵族”式的英国“流亡者”,与英国社会资产阶级的商业主义之间难以捉摸的关系。第四章以《刀锋》为代表,论述了在表现主义思潮盛行之时,毛姆对于人性探索的最终结果。第五章以弗洛伊德精神分析理论为主线,系统阐述了三部作品作为毛姆无意识心理反映的意义。最后得出结论:毛姆把自己的感情投射到三位主人公身上,通过创作为现代人探索出一条得救之道。 毛姆的三部长篇代表作,分别创作于他人生的中期、后期和晚期,这三部作品中灌注了毛姆在不同阶段的人生体验和思考,即一个寻求——掌握——超越的心路历程。基于以上分析,我们可以清楚地看到毛姆在创作中由现实转向幻想,最终获得超越。
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
    1. W. S. Maugham and His Works
    2. Maugham and His Works in China
    3. Main Chapters of the Thesis
    4. Critical Theories Applied
Chapter One A Survey of the Historical Study of Human Nature and Maugham's Contribution to the Issue
    1.1 The Spiritual Status Quo of the Western World
    1.2 Existentialism in the 20th Century and its Influence on Maugham
        1.2.1 Camus: the Absurd Hero Sisyphus and His Reflection in Maugham's Heroes
        1.2.2 Absurdity in Maugham's Works
        1.2.3 Exoticism in Maugham's Works: an Escape and a Channel of Cultural Communication
Chapter Two Freedom From Bondages: Philip's Struggle to Learn Himself
    2.1 A Synopsis of Of Human Bondage: a Semi-autobiography and an Initiation Story
    2.2 Disillusion and Vacillation
        2.2.1 Disillusion with Christianity
        2.2.2. Disillusion with Love
        2.2.3 Suicide Tendency as a Motif Connected with Absurdity
        2.2.4 A Happy Ending
    2.3 Maugham's Dualism on Human Nature
Chapter Three The Reawakening of Human Nature: Strickland's Efforts to Establish Himself as a Being
    3.1 A Synopsis of The Moon and Sixpence: the Title and the Theme
        3.1.1 The Absurd Man with Naturalist Idiosyncrasy
        3.1.2 Initiation Hues in the Novel
    3.2 A Differentia of Strickland's Character Analysis
        3.2.1 Strickland's Character by the Western Criterion
        3.2.2 Strickland's Character by the Eastern Criterion
        3.2.3 The Reawakening of Human Nature
Chapter Four Glory in the Quest for Spiritual Life: Larry's Attitude as a Connoisseur of Life
    4.1 A Synopsis of The Razor's Edge
    4.2 Elliott Templeton—Admirer of the Old Tradition
    4.3 Isabel and Gray: Conventionalists
    4.4 Sophie MacDonald: A Rebel as a Prostitute
    4.5 Larry: An Absurd Hero as a Sage in the West
Chapter Five The Construction of Modern Man's Spiritual Life as the Mutual Theme of the Three Novels
    5.1 A Psychoanalysis of the Three Protagonists
    5.2 Maugham's Specific Way of Remolding the Western Soul


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1 彭龙富;人性的限制与突围[D];湘潭大学;2010年

2 叶群;分析心理学视野下的思特里克兰德的研究[D];宁波大学;2012年




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