发布时间:2017-04-08 12:05
【摘要】:被誉为“隐逸诗人之宗”的陶渊明,其诗文生动质朴,其人格高洁不屈,历来备受国内学者推崇。在此基础发展起来的陶学研究呈现出陶渊明兼具诗人、隐士、政客以及哲人的多重形象特点。本文试以韦利、阿克、海陶伟、戴维斯的译文为素材,通过逐步分析英译陶渊明的过程来展现翻译的历史演变,以及在此过程中陶渊明个人形象的转变。事实上,陶渊明英译由散译发展到系统性译介,由原文被恣意改动发展到原文得到充分尊重,由误解、误译发展到正确解读,由单一诗歌翻译发展到注释详尽的厚翻译,这本身就是一种具有历史连续性的演变。西方译者的翻译展现了后译者不断补偿前译者的努力,在补偿的过程中,,陶渊明的个人形象也逐渐丰满起来。 尽管如此,由于意识形态、语言文化等多方面的影响,西方译者复制出的陶渊明出现了偏差。陶渊明作为诗人的特性逐渐被掩盖,其真率的个性也遭遇了解构的危机。还原一个真正意义上的陶渊明归根结底还需从陶渊明的作品入手。本土译者追求气韵、神似的翻译倾向一定程度上弥补了西方译者准确有余、而气韵不足的翻译缺点。最终,本文认为,还原一个真正意义上的陶渊明诗文,需要中外译者共同努力,相互补偿。
【关键词】:陶渊明 诗歌英译 形象 演变 补偿
- Acknowledgements4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-9
- Introduction9-11
- Chapter One Literature Review11-17
- 1.1 Studies on T'ao's Poetry and His Personal Image11-14
- 1.1.1 Contents and Styles of T'ao's Poetry11-13
- 1.1.2 Personal Image of T'ao13-14
- 1.2 Studies on English Translations of T'ao's Poetry14-17
- Chapter Two Changes of English Translations of T'ao's Poetry in the Other Land17-42
- 2.1 Change in Text Selection: from Fragment to Integrity17-23
- 2.1.1 Integrity Broken18-21
- 2.1.2 Integrity Partially Restored21-22
- 2.1.3 Approaching Adequate Selection22-23
- 2.2 Change in Understanding: from Misinterpretation to Correct Interpretation23-33
- 2.2.1 Stray Bird Misinterpreted24-27
- 2.2.2 Drunkenness Restored27-30
- 2.2.3 Approaching Adequate Understanding30-33
- 2.3 Change in Mode of Representation: from Domestication to Foreignization33-41
- 2.3.1 Substituting with Familiar Terms34-35
- 2.3.2 Providing Culture-specific Explanations35-38
- 2.3.3 Keeping Original Forms38-41
- 2.4 Summary — Restitution in Historical Continuum41-42
- Chapter Three Change of T'ao's Personal Image in the Other Land42-49
- 3.1 From Remote Hermit to True Man42-43
- 3.2 From Alcoholic to Man of Natural Aestheticism and Wisdom43-44
- 3.3 From Disciple of Confucius to Master of Philosophy44-45
- 3.4 From Man of Simplicity to Man of Culture and History45-47
- 3.5 Summary47-49
- Chapter Four Incomplete Restoration and Sino-West Inter-Restitution49-66
- 4.1 Incomplete Restoration of Image49-52
- 4.1.1 Understating Literary Value49-50
- 4.1.2 Starting from Western Point of View50-52
- 4.2 Inter-restitution between the East and the West52-66
- 4.2.1 Reproducing Simple yet Vivid Language55-59
- 4.2.2 Steering Betwixt "with Me" and "without Me"59-61
- 4.2.3 Compensating with Rhymes61-66
- Conclusion66-68
- Bibliography68-72
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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5 马自力;论陶渊明的咏史诗及其特征[J];江西社会科学;1990年03期
6 高建新;从陶诗看陶渊明与酒之关系[J];内蒙古社会科学(汉文版);2003年02期
7 韩式朋;论陶潜的哲理诗[J];求是学刊;1993年02期
8 任淑坤,赵林;同怀汉诗情结 异彩陶诗翻译——《归园田居》四个英译本的比较[J];四川外语学院学报;2004年04期
9 周方珠;;厚翻译述评[J];宿州学院学报;2011年01期
10 汪榕培;陶诗英译百花开——陶渊明《饮酒》(其五)英译比读[J];外语与外语教学;1998年04期