发布时间:2021-01-26 20:34
宗教作为一种意识形态,一直对人的社会生活和性格塑造起着潜移默化的作用,而不同宗教间的碰撞与交流自宗教诞生之日起也从未停歇。与西方宗教相比,中国传统文化中的宗教构成极为复杂,不像西方及其他主要外族宗教那样多为单一宗教,前者的宗教情绪也远不如后者那样强烈。中国本土产生的主要宗教当属儒教,儒教体现了中华民族在思想道德和生活准则上的集中反映,其对国人性格特征也产生了深远的影响。透过美国华裔作家的笔端,儒家思想对于那些身处大洋彼岸的华裔的影响也并不显见。而基督教对美国的政治、经济、文化都起着深刻而广泛的作用,故而华裔在不同程度上也会受到基督教的影响。儒教与基督教虽然本质上是两种在很多方面都有不同教旨的宗教,但是两者仍有相通、相融的地方。在美国华裔作家尤其是美国华裔女作家的作品中就能充分地体现出这种相互对立、相互依存的关系。 虽然美国物质繁华,但在认同美国主流文化的同时,华裔还是会不自觉地产生异化疏离感,从而造成一定程度上的信仰危机。而宗教就可以被看作是一种缓冲地带,充分汲取基督教与儒教的精神可以赋予华裔以力量和智慧,对于摆脱生存困境、缓解心态失衡起到了一定的积极作用。 本文从阐释儒教...
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:46 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
A. Chinese Americans' Inheritance of Religion
B. Research Actuality and the Writing Purpose of This Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Brief Doctrines of Christianity and Confucianism
A.Some Basic Christian Doctrines
1. The Deity and Humanity of Christ
2. Human's Depraved Nature and Their Need of Salvation
3. God's Unconditional Agape Love
B.Some Basic Confucian Principles
1. The Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues
2. Five Principal Relationships of Confucianism
Chapter Ⅲ Collision and Combination Between Christianity and Confucianism as Embodied in the Works of Four Female Chinese American Writers
A. Women's Salvation Through Education
B. Human's Salvation Through Mutual Confession
C. God's Love and Humane Love
Chapter Ⅳ. Conclusion
Works Cited and Consulted
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:46 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
A. Chinese Americans' Inheritance of Religion
B. Research Actuality and the Writing Purpose of This Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Brief Doctrines of Christianity and Confucianism
A.Some Basic Christian Doctrines
1. The Deity and Humanity of Christ
2. Human's Depraved Nature and Their Need of Salvation
3. God's Unconditional Agape Love
B.Some Basic Confucian Principles
1. The Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues
2. Five Principal Relationships of Confucianism
Chapter Ⅲ Collision and Combination Between Christianity and Confucianism as Embodied in the Works of Four Female Chinese American Writers
A. Women's Salvation Through Education
B. Human's Salvation Through Mutual Confession
C. God's Love and Humane Love
Chapter Ⅳ. Conclusion
Works Cited and Consulted