发布时间:2022-01-14 21:24
鲁德亚德·吉卜林是第一位荣膺诺贝尔文学奖的英国作家,他曾在国内外享有盛誉。如今,除了他的儿童作品依然广受欢迎外,他的盛名似乎己剥落殆尽。导致吉卜林声誉衰落的原因主要在于评论家们对他的“帝国主义作家”这一定位使他被逐出主流作家之列。其中,萨伊德在他的两部著作《东方学》和《文化与帝国主义》中对吉卜林的定位更加固了他的“帝国主义作家”这一称号。然而,评论家们的这一定位却不无偏颇。吉卜林在其长篇小说《基姆》和一些短篇故事中所体现的思想足以反驳这一定位。 本论文共分四章。 第一章介绍了吉卜林作品受欢迎以及后来渐被冷落的原因。借助“帝国主义”的概念,并结合吉卜林所处的历史环境,指出“帝国主义作家”是对吉卜林的误解。 第二章简要阐释了萨伊德在《东方学》和《文化与帝国主义》中对东方主义的二元对立与帝国主义之间,以及文化与帝国主义之间的关系所作的分析。萨伊德对《基姆》的分析也在该章作了说明。 第三章借助对《基姆》的文本分析,主要依据作品中体现的消除种族差别思想,对东方人的非程式化描写,以及对白人的讽刺及批评,反驳了萨伊德对吉卜林的“帝国主义作家”这一定位。 第四章通过分析吉...
【文章来源】:郑州大学河南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:51 页
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter One Kipling's Literary Status
1.1. The Rise and Fall of Rudyard Kipling's Literary Reputation
1.2. The Misunderstanding of Kipling as an Imperialist Writer
Chapter Two An Interpretation of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism
2.1. Binary Typology, Culture and Imperialism
2.2. Said's Criticism of Kipling
Chapter Three Kim: The Refutation of Said's View on Kipling
3.1. Kim: the Blurring of Racial Distinction
3.1.1. Kim's Love for and Dependence upon the Lama
3.1.2. Kim's Bewilderment of His Identity as a White Man
3.2. Non-stereotypical Portrayal of the Orientals
3.3. Negative Viewpoints toward some Western Characters
Chapter Four Kipling's Criticism on Imperialism in His Short Stories
4.1. Opposition to the Imposition of Christianity on the Indians
4.2. The Condemnation of the White Colonists
Works Cited
[1]继承与颠覆:吉卜林《基姆》中的东方形象研究[D]. 于飙.广西大学 2017
[2]“两面人”的困境[D]. 虞萍萍.上海师范大学 2008
【文章来源】:郑州大学河南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:51 页
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter One Kipling's Literary Status
1.1. The Rise and Fall of Rudyard Kipling's Literary Reputation
1.2. The Misunderstanding of Kipling as an Imperialist Writer
Chapter Two An Interpretation of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism
2.1. Binary Typology, Culture and Imperialism
2.2. Said's Criticism of Kipling
Chapter Three Kim: The Refutation of Said's View on Kipling
3.1. Kim: the Blurring of Racial Distinction
3.1.1. Kim's Love for and Dependence upon the Lama
3.1.2. Kim's Bewilderment of His Identity as a White Man
3.2. Non-stereotypical Portrayal of the Orientals
3.3. Negative Viewpoints toward some Western Characters
Chapter Four Kipling's Criticism on Imperialism in His Short Stories
4.1. Opposition to the Imposition of Christianity on the Indians
4.2. The Condemnation of the White Colonists
Works Cited
[1]继承与颠覆:吉卜林《基姆》中的东方形象研究[D]. 于飙.广西大学 2017
[2]“两面人”的困境[D]. 虞萍萍.上海师范大学 2008