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发布时间:2022-06-23 08:53
  自从莱考夫和约翰逊在他们划时代的书《我们赖以生存的隐喻》中提出概念隐喻理论以来,这个理论已经在整个世界学术界产生了强烈的影响。本理论主张,隐喻是人类的认知机制。隐喻在本质上是一种“跨域映射”,这表明我们人类使用熟悉和具体的概念来描述陌生和抽象的概念。莱考夫和约翰逊从认知角度将隐喻划分为三类:结构隐喻,方位隐喻和本体隐喻。 本文以认知语言学理论为基础,分析了托尼·莫里森小说《宠儿》中的概念隐喻。作者首先阐明了作为人类基本认知和思维方式的概念隐喻具有传统隐喻无法比拟的解释力,同时证明了概念隐喻在小说《宠儿》中是普遍存在的。尽管许多学者已经从传统隐喻角度分析了小说《宠儿》中的隐喻,但是随着语言学的发展,认知的介入,作者认为概念隐喻能够更形象地、更细腻地呈现小说《宠儿》中的内在信息。同时作者运用认知域、意象图式等认知语言学理论来协助分析概念隐喻在小说《宠儿》中的应用与作用。本文在对概念隐喻的本质做出阐释并归纳出其特点的同时,还详细介绍广为学界认可的概念隐喻的定义及其分类方式。在现有研究成果基础之上给出自己的见解,以求对概念隐喻这一认知现象在小说《宠儿》中的表现做出全面分析。在文章的重点... 

【文章页数】:59 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Orientation of the title
    1.2 Motivations of the study
    1.3 Methods and aims in this study
    1.4 Layouts and scope of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on metaphor
        2.1.1 Metaphor in different theories
        2.1.2 Summary
    2.2 A brief analysis of conceptual metaphors
        2.2.1 An introduction to conceptual metaphors
        2.2.2 Contributions of conceptual metaphor theory
    2.3 Reviews of studies on Beloved both home and abroad
Chapter Three The Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
    3.1 General introduction to Toni Morrison and her Beloved
        3.1.1 A brief description of Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison
        3.1.2 Beloved and its main plots
    3.2 Reasons for the application of conceptual metaphors in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
    3.3 The analysis of three types of conceptual metaphors in Beloved
        3.3.1 The analysis of main characters in Beloved from the perspective of structural metaphors
        3.3.2 The analysis of water in Beloved from the perspective of structural metaphors
        3.3.3 The ontological metaphors analysis of “Tree”on Sethe’s back and Paul D’s life in Beloved
        3.3.4 The analysis of “Tobacco tin”in Paul D’s chest from the perspective of orientational metaphors
Chapter Four The Structural Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
    4.1 Cross-domain mapping analysis
        4.1.1 Cross-domain mapping of the structural metaphor “SETHE’S LIFE IS A JOURNEY”
        4.1.2 Cross-domain mapping of the orientational metaphor “PAUL D’S RED HEART IS A LOST MEMORY”
        4.1.3 Cross-domain mapping of the ontological metaphor “OHIO RIVER IS AN AFRICAN CULTURE”
    4.2 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusions
    5.1 Findings
    5.2 Limitations of the study
    5.3 Suggestions for further studies

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