发布时间:2022-11-04 18:59
长久以来,家喻户晓的戏剧大师莎士比亚吸引了全世界的目光和注意力,而另外一位才华横溢的剧作家克里斯托弗·马洛却被忽略了。马洛是英国文艺复兴时期戏剧的真正创始人,在彼时名声大噪的“大学四才子”一行中,他也可谓是最杰出的一位,然而他对英国戏剧繁荣的意义和贡献却不为人们所熟知。因此,本文作者以结构主义叙事学中的二元对立理论为依据,深入探究马洛的两部悲剧作品《浮士德博士的悲剧》和《马耳他的犹太人》的深层结构,并揭示这两部戏剧共同的深刻主题——当一个人为知识或金钱等欲望所驱使,并妄图以此主宰世界时,他也注定要被这欲望所毁灭。 本文分为五个部分: 第一部分为概述,回顾了马洛对文学世界的伟大贡献和意义,以及他的两部作品:《浮士德博士的悲剧历史》和《马耳他岛的犹太人》,还简要回顾了相关的文学评论,并由此得出作者之所以采用结构主义分析方法来剖析这两部戏剧的原因和意义所在。 在第一章中,作者从结构主义的角度简要论述了这两部戏剧的概况,对即将运用在本文中的理论框架做了一个清晰的概论。这一节由三个方面组成:首先介绍了结构主义文学理论的主要方法论—二元对立;然后引用了格雷马斯和托多洛夫的结...
【文章页数】:42 页
Abstract (Chinese)
Abstract (English)
Chapter One A Structuralist Perspective of Marlowe's Tragedy
1. Binary Opposition: A Forceful Approach of Structuralism
2. The Structuralist Narrative Theories of Greimas and Todorov
2.1 The Structuralist Narrative Theory of Greimas on Semantics
2.2 The Structural Narrative Theory of Todorov on Syntactics
3. A Structuralist Perspective of Marlowe's Two Tragic Plays
Chapter Two Binary Opposition in The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
1. Binary Oppositions in the Double Plots
2. Binary Oppositions in the Settings
3. Binary Opposition in Characterization
3.1 Good Angel vs. Evil Angel
3.2 Faustus Himself as a Binary Opposition
3.3 Mephastophilis
4. The Pattern of Narrative in the Theme
Chapter Four Binary Opposition in The Jew of Malta
1. Binary Oppositions in the Double Plots
2. Binary Oppositions in the Settings
3. Binary Opposition in Characterization
3.1 Barabas the Jew
3.2 Ferneze the Christian
3.3 Friar Jacomo and Bernardine
3.4 Ithamore the Turkish Slave
4. The Pattern of Narrative in Theme
【文章页数】:42 页
Abstract (Chinese)
Abstract (English)
Chapter One A Structuralist Perspective of Marlowe's Tragedy
1. Binary Opposition: A Forceful Approach of Structuralism
2. The Structuralist Narrative Theories of Greimas and Todorov
2.1 The Structuralist Narrative Theory of Greimas on Semantics
2.2 The Structural Narrative Theory of Todorov on Syntactics
3. A Structuralist Perspective of Marlowe's Two Tragic Plays
Chapter Two Binary Opposition in The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
1. Binary Oppositions in the Double Plots
2. Binary Oppositions in the Settings
3. Binary Opposition in Characterization
3.1 Good Angel vs. Evil Angel
3.2 Faustus Himself as a Binary Opposition
3.3 Mephastophilis
4. The Pattern of Narrative in the Theme
Chapter Four Binary Opposition in The Jew of Malta
1. Binary Oppositions in the Double Plots
2. Binary Oppositions in the Settings
3. Binary Opposition in Characterization
3.1 Barabas the Jew
3.2 Ferneze the Christian
3.3 Friar Jacomo and Bernardine
3.4 Ithamore the Turkish Slave
4. The Pattern of Narrative in Theme