发布时间:2023-03-11 00:36
十九世纪的英国文坛出现了一批卓越的女作家群,如简·奥斯丁、盖斯凯夫人、夏洛蒂·勃朗特、艾米莉·勃朗特、乔治·艾略特和安·勃朗特,其中勃朗特三姐妹尤如三颗璀璨的明星,永远闪耀在人类文学浩淼的天空中。 在十九世纪英国诸小说家中,艾米莉·勃朗特无疑是不可忽视的一位。一直以来文学界对她褒贬不一,究其原因,大概是因为其唯一的一部小说的思想倾向的复杂性和艺术结构的奇特性。有些评论家认为作为维多利亚时代的小说家,她运用批判现实主义手法揭示了维多利亚时代的社会矛盾;有的则认为它是一部运用戏剧手法和浪漫主义写成的爱情悲剧;而更多的则认为小说利用倒叙法和象征主义揭示的是一种人性悲剧。但无论小说揭示的是哪种主题,采用何种相应的写作方法,据此欣赏这部小说,读者都会有一种沉闷的感觉,当然也不能全面地了解艾米莉·勃朗特这位天才的作家。 此篇论文的目的在于重新认识艾米莉·勃朗特及其作品《呼啸山庄》,从而给人一种轻松愉悦之感。因此本论文尝试运用弗洛伊德的心理分析法,从艾米莉·勃朗特对于大自然尤其是荒原的认识及与之不可分割的关系入手,探讨她运用独特的想象力,以浪漫主义手法揭示她的朴素的自然哲学观。全文共...
【文章页数】:65 页
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter One The Chief Characteristics of Emily Bronte's Romantic Mind
1.1. The Conflicting Influences on Emily Bronte's Character and Genius
1.2. Emily Bronte's Lyrical Bent and Mystic Tendency
Chapter Two The Expression of Emily Bronte's World Outlook through Romanticism
2.1. The Motif of Wuthering Heights
2.2. Heathcliff's Revenge against Contemporary Generation
2.2.1. The Creation of Contemporary Generation
2.2.2. The Unnatural Marriage
2.2.3. Heathcliff's Revenge
2.3. Heathcliff's Revenge against Younger Generation
2.3.1. The Creation of Younger Generation
2.3.2. Heathcliff's Extended Revenge
2.3.3. The Return of Natural Harmony
2.4. Emily Bronte's World Outlook
Chapter Three Emily Bronte's Romantic Artistry
3.1. Dramatic Structure
3.2. Inwardness of the Structure
Works Cited
【文章页数】:65 页
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter One The Chief Characteristics of Emily Bronte's Romantic Mind
1.1. The Conflicting Influences on Emily Bronte's Character and Genius
1.2. Emily Bronte's Lyrical Bent and Mystic Tendency
Chapter Two The Expression of Emily Bronte's World Outlook through Romanticism
2.1. The Motif of Wuthering Heights
2.2. Heathcliff's Revenge against Contemporary Generation
2.2.1. The Creation of Contemporary Generation
2.2.2. The Unnatural Marriage
2.2.3. Heathcliff's Revenge
2.3. Heathcliff's Revenge against Younger Generation
2.3.1. The Creation of Younger Generation
2.3.2. Heathcliff's Extended Revenge
2.3.3. The Return of Natural Harmony
2.4. Emily Bronte's World Outlook
Chapter Three Emily Bronte's Romantic Artistry
3.1. Dramatic Structure
3.2. Inwardness of the Structure
Works Cited