发布时间:2023-04-01 05:53
《秘密花园》1911年在美国一出版,就风靡全国,成了畅销书,不但引起了读者和批评界的极大关注,而且进入了中小学的教科书。然而这本影响如此深远的书在中国却少有人知。虽然2002年中国社会科学出版社推出了中译本,但批评界并未表现出兴趣,更不用说讨论作品的价值了。本文旨在揭示其价值以引起国内读者和批评界对其应有的关注。 本文作者通过对其主题的研究和人物的分析,认为该书的价值在于它揭示了人与自然间的互惠关系。在不利的环境中,人的性格会变得扭曲,健康受损;而在好的环境中,伤痛可以愈合,身体可以复原,人的心灵也会得到升华。人的活动一旦融入自然,人会不知不觉地觉醒,恢复活力并学会关爱别人,而自然也会在人的呵护下焕发出勃勃生机,显示出强大的生命力。 这种关系首先通过小主人公玛丽在印度的遭遇得到揭示;印度天气闷热潮湿,她与家人之间根本无爱可言,周围的人对她也漠不关心,生长在这种环境里,玛丽不仅体弱多病,而且性格怪僻,脾气暴躁;她讨厌别人,也为别人所讨厌。 小说用大量生动的事例表明和谐的自然环境对人具有治疗和重塑的作用。其疗效还是立竿见影的;玛丽一进入牧尔草原、亲近自然,就使她的身...
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 The author
1.2 The influence of The Secret Garden
1.3 The story
Chapter Two: Mary's predicament
2.1 Unfavorable natural surroundings impairing one's health
2.2 Loveless environment producing distorted personality
2.3 Unfriendly and hostile social environment worsening Mary's distorted character
Chapter Three: the power of restoration, resurrection and animation of nature
3.1 The power of restoration and rejuvenation of nature
3.2 Reciprocal relationship of human beings and nature
3.3 The power of resurrection and animation of nature
Chapter Four Love, the most precious part of human nature, rejuvenating Mary's own nature
4.1 Lonely heart warmed by people on the Moor
4.2 Nurturing of human love helping Mary learn to love others
4.3 Mary's motherhood in the process of rebirth
4.4 Children's Sharing of happiness to awaken the dormant childhood and happy memories of adults
Chapter Five: Conclusion
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 The author
1.2 The influence of The Secret Garden
1.3 The story
Chapter Two: Mary's predicament
2.1 Unfavorable natural surroundings impairing one's health
2.2 Loveless environment producing distorted personality
2.3 Unfriendly and hostile social environment worsening Mary's distorted character
Chapter Three: the power of restoration, resurrection and animation of nature
3.1 The power of restoration and rejuvenation of nature
3.2 Reciprocal relationship of human beings and nature
3.3 The power of resurrection and animation of nature
Chapter Four Love, the most precious part of human nature, rejuvenating Mary's own nature
4.1 Lonely heart warmed by people on the Moor
4.2 Nurturing of human love helping Mary learn to love others
4.3 Mary's motherhood in the process of rebirth
4.4 Children's Sharing of happiness to awaken the dormant childhood and happy memories of adults
Chapter Five: Conclusion