发布时间:2024-03-02 02:25
简·奥斯丁(1775--1817)是英国文学史上最伟大的小说家之一。在短短一生中,她仅仅创作了六部完整的小说:《傲慢与偏见》,《理智与情感》,《诺桑觉寺》,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,《爱玛》和《劝导》,以及三部未完成的故事和作品:《苏珊夫人》,《华生一家》和《桑迪顿》。尽管如此,两百多年来,国内外的许多学者不厌其烦地从各个角度分析和研究她和她的作品,其中以从女性主义角度出发的研究尤为众多,因此上,她也被看作是现实主义作品的最重要的先驱人物之一。而本文作者发现奥斯丁,作为一个处于浪漫主义时代的作家,也被印上了时代的印记---在她的作品,尤其是在她的最后一部作品《劝导》之中,有着明显的浪漫主义特征,并且这些浪漫主义特征和她的乌托邦情结巧妙的结合在一起。 该论文从浪漫主义和乌托邦情结的角度出发,结合奥斯丁的个人经历,试图分析奥斯丁为什么会有一种“乌托邦情结”,以及她是如何在《劝导》这部作品之中将浪漫主义特征巧妙的和她的“乌托邦情结”交织在一起,为她的女主角找寻幸福,从而为她自己,以及像自己一样处于父权制社会中的女性,寻找幸福的出路。 该论文首先简要介绍作者以及小说《劝导》,并对简·奥斯丁和《劝导》...
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Jane Austen and Persuasion
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Significance and Layout of this Study
Chapter Two Romanticism and Utopia
2.1 A Brief Introduction to Romanticism
2.2 A Brief Introduction to Utopia
2.3 The Possibility of Combining Romanticism and Utopian Complex
2.3.1 Jane Austen and the Romantic Poets
2.3.2 Jane Austen's Utopian Complex
Chapter Three Romanticism Attributes and Utopian Complex in Persuasion
3.1 Nature and Utopian Complex
3.1.1 Nature
3.1.2 Utopian Complex Reflected in the Symbolic Meaning of Nature
3.2 Melancholy and Imagination Interwoven with Utopian Complex
3.2.1 Melancholy
3.2.2 Utopian Complex Reflected in the Treatment of Melancholy-Imagination
3.3 Utopian Complex and the Creation of Persuasion
3.3.1 Utopian Portrait of the Main Character
3.3.2 Utopian Arrangement of the Plot
Chapter Four Conclusion
Works Cited
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Jane Austen and Persuasion
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Significance and Layout of this Study
Chapter Two Romanticism and Utopia
2.1 A Brief Introduction to Romanticism
2.2 A Brief Introduction to Utopia
2.3 The Possibility of Combining Romanticism and Utopian Complex
2.3.1 Jane Austen and the Romantic Poets
2.3.2 Jane Austen's Utopian Complex
Chapter Three Romanticism Attributes and Utopian Complex in Persuasion
3.1 Nature and Utopian Complex
3.1.1 Nature
3.1.2 Utopian Complex Reflected in the Symbolic Meaning of Nature
3.2 Melancholy and Imagination Interwoven with Utopian Complex
3.2.1 Melancholy
3.2.2 Utopian Complex Reflected in the Treatment of Melancholy-Imagination
3.3 Utopian Complex and the Creation of Persuasion
3.3.1 Utopian Portrait of the Main Character
3.3.2 Utopian Arrangement of the Plot
Chapter Four Conclusion
Works Cited