发布时间:2024-03-10 06:44
凯瑟琳.苏珊娜.普里查德(1883-1969)和蒂姆.温顿(1960-)都生活在西澳大利亚。他们的作品也大都以西澳为背景。普里查德的《库那图》(1929)被认为在描写白人和土著民的关系,尤其是在处理当时令人忌讳的白人和土著民的性关系方面是个突破。而蒂姆.温顿的《烟云缭绕的街道》(1991)也正在成为一部现代经典。在这两部作品当中,两位作家都对土著人表现出了同情和欣赏,并且表达了白人和土著民和平共处的愿望。必须承认,他们在各自的时代对土著民的态度是积极和进步的。 该论文试图向中国读者介绍两位西澳作家以及他们的这两部作品。不仅如此,作者以后殖民主义为视角,力图从种族歧视,土地和家园丧失和性的利用等方面揭示《库那图》中殖民统治下土著民饱受剥削利用的生存状态以及它对《烟云缭绕的街道》中描写的二次大战后直至60年代土著民的深远影响。该论文还试图揭示,尽管这两位作家在各自时代是进步的,他们的作品仍然保留了部分白人社会对土著民普遍的种族和形象歧视的色彩。
【文章页数】:69 页
1. Katharine Susannah Prichard (1883-1969)
2. Coonardoo the Novel
3. Tim Winton (1960- )
4. Cloudstreet the Novel
5. The Connection of the Two Novels
6. A General Account of the Colonialist Inclination in Traditional Australian Literature
7. Post-colonialism
Chapter 1 Racism and the Stereotyping of the Aborigines
1.1 Racial Prejudice
1.1.1 Racial Prejudice Towards the Aborigines in Australia in the Colonial Time
1.1.2 Racial Prejudice in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
1.2 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
1.2.1 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Coonardoo
1.2.2 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Cloudstreet
Chapter 2 Dispossession and Displacement
2.1 The Dispossession of Aboriginal Land
2.1.1 The Meaning of Land to the Aborigines
2.1.2 The Dispossession of Land in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
2.1.3 The Ill Effects of Dispossession of Aboriginal land
2.2 The Displacement of the Aborigines in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
Chapter 3 Sexual Exploitat ion
3.1 Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women in the Early Colonial Period
3.2 Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women in Coonardoo
3.2.1 Hugh ’s Sexual Exploitation of Coonardoo
3.2.2 Sam Geary ’s Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women
3.3 Prichard ’s Weakness in Her Treatment of Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women
Appendix: Major Legal Developments Affecting Aboriginal Australians
【文章页数】:69 页
1. Katharine Susannah Prichard (1883-1969)
2. Coonardoo the Novel
3. Tim Winton (1960- )
4. Cloudstreet the Novel
5. The Connection of the Two Novels
6. A General Account of the Colonialist Inclination in Traditional Australian Literature
7. Post-colonialism
Chapter 1 Racism and the Stereotyping of the Aborigines
1.1 Racial Prejudice
1.1.1 Racial Prejudice Towards the Aborigines in Australia in the Colonial Time
1.1.2 Racial Prejudice in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
1.2 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
1.2.1 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Coonardoo
1.2.2 The Stereotyping of Aborigines in Cloudstreet
Chapter 2 Dispossession and Displacement
2.1 The Dispossession of Aboriginal Land
2.1.1 The Meaning of Land to the Aborigines
2.1.2 The Dispossession of Land in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
2.1.3 The Ill Effects of Dispossession of Aboriginal land
2.2 The Displacement of the Aborigines in Coonardoo and Cloudstreet
Chapter 3 Sexual Exploitat ion
3.1 Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women in the Early Colonial Period
3.2 Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women in Coonardoo
3.2.1 Hugh ’s Sexual Exploitation of Coonardoo
3.2.2 Sam Geary ’s Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women
3.3 Prichard ’s Weakness in Her Treatment of Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Women
Appendix: Major Legal Developments Affecting Aboriginal Australians