发布时间:2024-03-24 12:15
大卫·劳伦斯是英国当代一位多产但又颇有争议的作家。尽管他的许多作品受到褒贬不一的评论,有的甚至被禁止出版,如《查泰莱夫人的情人》,但不可否认该小说在解禁后却赢得了种种好评。 19世纪中后期在法国出现的以真实性、科学性和实验性为特征的自然主义文学思潮,发展到19世纪末20世纪初,虽已逐渐为现代主义文学所取代,然而,自然主义作为现实主义文学和现代主义文学的中介,它所具有的现代文学的特征并不会很快消失,而是渗透到了现代文学中,并为20世纪作家所继承和发展。在英国著名作家劳伦斯的小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》中,自然主义的特征就十分明显。 本篇论文分析《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的主题思想和创作方法,细致探讨了劳伦斯在这部小说中的自然主义创作特征。本文第一章介绍了作者及其写作特点。第二章介绍了小说的创作背景及主要情节,援引了国内外评论界的观点。第三章着重阐述了自然主义的特征及作者的自然主义思想。第四章具体分析了小说中劳伦斯所阐发的自然主义思想和使用的自然主义创作手法。通过以上分析,可以看出劳伦斯在《查泰莱夫人的情人》中不仅继承了自然主义传统同时又进一步发展了它。
【文章页数】:47 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One: A Brief Introduction to the Author D.H. Lawrence
1.1 His life history
1.2 His literary career
Chapter Two: Lady Chatterley's Lover——a Controversial Novel
2.1 The plot of Lady Chatterley's Lover
2.2 General comments on the novel
Chapter Three: D. H. Lawrence's Naturalistic Inclination
3.1 Naturalism——a further development of Realism
3.2 Lawrence's naturalistic ideas
3.2.1 His strong reaction against the mechanical civilization
3.2.2 His love for nature
3.2.3 His keen criticism of society
3.2.4 His concern for human relationships
3.2.5 His frank discussion of sex
Chapter Four: Naturalism Developed by Lawrence in Lady Chatterley's Lover
4.1 Lawrence's naturalistic ideas expressed in Lady Chatterley's Lover
4.1.1 His incisive anatomy of society
4.1.2 His depiction of human alienation
4.1.3 His emphasis on return to nature
4.2 Naturalistic strategies employed by Lawrence in Lady Chatterley 's Lover
4.2.1 Contrastive imagery Nature—the image of life Wragby—the image of materialism
4.2.2 Forceful and accurate language Truthful descriptions of the environment Use of dialect New combinations of words
Chapter Five: Conclusion
Works Cited and Consulted
【文章页数】:47 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One: A Brief Introduction to the Author D.H. Lawrence
1.1 His life history
1.2 His literary career
Chapter Two: Lady Chatterley's Lover——a Controversial Novel
2.1 The plot of Lady Chatterley's Lover
2.2 General comments on the novel
Chapter Three: D. H. Lawrence's Naturalistic Inclination
3.1 Naturalism——a further development of Realism
3.2 Lawrence's naturalistic ideas
3.2.1 His strong reaction against the mechanical civilization
3.2.2 His love for nature
3.2.3 His keen criticism of society
3.2.4 His concern for human relationships
3.2.5 His frank discussion of sex
Chapter Four: Naturalism Developed by Lawrence in Lady Chatterley's Lover
4.1 Lawrence's naturalistic ideas expressed in Lady Chatterley's Lover
4.1.1 His incisive anatomy of society
4.1.2 His depiction of human alienation
4.1.3 His emphasis on return to nature
4.2 Naturalistic strategies employed by Lawrence in Lady Chatterley 's Lover
4.2.1 Contrastive imagery Nature—the image of life Wragby—the image of materialism
4.2.2 Forceful and accurate language Truthful descriptions of the environment Use of dialect New combinations of words
Chapter Five: Conclusion
Works Cited and Consulted