发布时间:2024-04-15 20:42
德国的埃及学研究者杨?阿斯曼( Jan Assmann)在1997年出版的著作《文化记忆》中提出了文化记忆的概念。阿斯曼把文化记忆定义为人类记忆的外层空间,它包括两个概念:记忆文化和指代过去。他认为,文化记忆有其稳定性,它不会随时间的流逝而改变。在时间层面上,它把过去的重要事件以某一形式固定和保存下来,并不断使其重现以获得现实的意义,这样,它就把过去和现在连接在一起。它的稳定性起源于过去发生的重要的事件,而有关这些重要事件的记忆又以文字、仪式等文化的形式得以保存下来。 对非裔美国作家托尼?莫里森来说,记忆的一条腿跨在过去,另外一条则跨在将来,黑人民族如果想往未来看,就必须先往回看。因此,文化记忆在她的小说创作中起着十分重要的作用。本文共分四章,详细探讨了莫里森两部小说中的文化记忆现象。 第一章是论文的引言部分。该章简单介绍了托尼·莫里森的主要作品以及其作品的研究现状,提出该论文旨在从文化记忆的角度探索莫里森的创作思想。 第二章介绍了文化记忆的定义和作用,并介绍了美国文学中普遍存在的文化记忆现象。 第三章是本论文的主体部分。该章从文化记忆的缺失导致的后果、文化记忆的重现方式、文化记忆的内...
【文章页数】:42 页
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Cultural Memory in American Literature
2.1 The Definition and Function of Cultural Memory
2.1.1 The Definition of Cultural Memory
2.1.2 The Function of Cultural Memory
2.2 Cultural Memory in American Literature
2.2.1 Cultural Memory and the Literary Tradition in America
2.2.2 Cultural Memory and the Identity of Ethnic Writers
Chapter III Cultural Memory in Song of Solomon and Jazz
3.1 The Absence of Cultural Memory
3.1.1 The Absence of Cultural Memory
3.1.2 The Consequence of the Absence of Cultural Memory
3.2 The Recreation of Cultural Memory
3.2.1 The Sacrifice of the Alive
3.2.2 The Tangling of the Dream
3.3 The Contents of Cultural Memory
3.3.1 Mythologies
3.3.2 Names
3.3.3 History and Music
3.4 The Means of Passing on Cultural Memory
3.4.1 Objects
3.4.2 Rituals
3.4.3 Music
3.5 The Redemption of Cultural Memory
3.5.1 the Redemption of Cultural Memory
3.5.2 the Rebirth of the Characters
Chapter IV Conclusion
【文章页数】:42 页
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Cultural Memory in American Literature
2.1 The Definition and Function of Cultural Memory
2.1.1 The Definition of Cultural Memory
2.1.2 The Function of Cultural Memory
2.2 Cultural Memory in American Literature
2.2.1 Cultural Memory and the Literary Tradition in America
2.2.2 Cultural Memory and the Identity of Ethnic Writers
Chapter III Cultural Memory in Song of Solomon and Jazz
3.1 The Absence of Cultural Memory
3.1.1 The Absence of Cultural Memory
3.1.2 The Consequence of the Absence of Cultural Memory
3.2 The Recreation of Cultural Memory
3.2.1 The Sacrifice of the Alive
3.2.2 The Tangling of the Dream
3.3 The Contents of Cultural Memory
3.3.1 Mythologies
3.3.2 Names
3.3.3 History and Music
3.4 The Means of Passing on Cultural Memory
3.4.1 Objects
3.4.2 Rituals
3.4.3 Music
3.5 The Redemption of Cultural Memory
3.5.1 the Redemption of Cultural Memory
3.5.2 the Rebirth of the Characters
Chapter IV Conclusion