本文关键词: 秦腔 剧目 分类 素材 文化精神 出处:《陕西师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国古典戏曲经历了杂剧、传奇的辉煌后,在明清之际迎来了地方戏百家争鸣的大潮,这一时期在中国西北地区兴起的秦腔艺术迅速发展兴盛并成为清代地方戏花部的主力军。秦腔至今还是西北地区最主要的地方戏曲形式,它继承了元杂剧和明清传奇的优秀传统,在秦文化的熏陶下具有着自身的独特魅力。流传下来的传统剧目数量庞大,这些剧作历史悠久,并且扎根于深厚的百姓生活土壤,再经过历代杰出演员的反复加工,使之具有了独特的秦地特色和艺术价值。 陕西人民出版社1984年8月出版的《秦腔剧目初考》收编秦腔剧目达一千六百多个,本文以此书中收录的秦腔传统剧目为主要考查对象,试图从秦腔剧目出发,研究秦腔剧本形态及其剧目题材来源,并从文化的角度对这些民间戏曲剧目所反映的民族精神进行观照,以期使秦腔研究更加完整全面,为地方剧种的抢救保护和改革发展提供文献资料和文学价值参照。 本论文分为绪论、正文、结语三大部分。 绪论部分概述了秦腔传统剧目、国内外研究现状和论文选题目的和意义。 正文分五部分来展开论述。 第一部分:秦腔剧目总述。这部分首先简要地勾勒出了秦腔传统剧初期、发展、高峰和成熟这四个发展阶段,概述了秦腔剧目的现存情况、历代文献对秦腔剧目的记载和秦腔传统剧目的突出特点。 第二部分:秦腔传统剧剧目分类。这部分从多个角度,选取不同标准对繁多的秦腔传统剧目作了分类研究。根据不同剧目的题材内容、戏剧冲突、演出形式和突出角色为标准分类,对剧目做了较清晰的梳理。 第三部分:秦腔传统剧目的素材来源。秦腔剧目中除秦腔艺人和剧作家的完全独立创作外,很大一部分剧目与历代史传、小说、杂剧、传奇、其他剧种、民间故事以及现实社会生活有着密切的关系。 第四部分:秦腔传统剧目折射出的民族文化精神。这部分分别从秦腔剧目中人物身上所体现出的爱国精神、忠义信念、封建女性不屈的抗争精神来论述秦腔传统剧目所体现出来的民族文化精神。 第五部分:简述优秀秦腔剧目的整理改编。在秦腔舞台上,流传至今的剧目多是经过精心整理改编的剧目,如:《铡美案》、《火焰驹》、《赵氏孤儿》、《窦娥冤》、《游西湖》等。 结语部分,总结全文,强调秦腔这种戏曲艺术形式的社会文化价值,并提出作为一种珍贵的地方戏曲样式,有保护、传承的重要价值和广阔的发展空间。
[Abstract]:China ' s classical opera has undergone a series of operas , and the legend ' s brilliant future , in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , ushered in a great tide of local opera . The Qin Dynasty is still the most important local opera form in the northwest of China . It has inherited the unique charm of the Yuan and Ming and Qing legends . In August 1984 , Shaanxi People ' s Publishing House , published in August , 1984 , has more than 1,600 dramas in the Qin Dynasty . This article attempts to study the form of the Qin Dynasty script and the source of its repertory , from the perspective of culture , and to observe the national spirit reflected by the dramas of the folk opera from the angle of culture , so as to make the research of Qin cavity more complete and comprehensive , and provide the literature and literature value reference for the rescue protection and reform development of the local theater . This thesis is divided into three parts : preface , text and conclusion . The introduction part gives an overview of the traditional Chinese opera , the present situation of the research at home and abroad , and the significance of the subject of the thesis . The text is divided into five parts to expand the discussion . The first part is the summary of Qin ' s opera . This part firstly outlines the four stages of development , development , peak and maturity of the traditional opera in Qin Dynasty . In the second part , the traditional opera of Qin Dynasty is classified . In this part , the traditional opera of Qin Dynasty is classified according to different standards and different standards . According to the content of subject matter , the drama conflict , the form of performance and the prominent role as the standard classification , this part makes a clear comb for the drama . The third part : the source of the material of the traditional opera in the Qin Dynasty . In the opera of the Qin Dynasty , besides the complete independence of Qin and opera writers , a great part of the dramas were closely related to the historical biography , the novel , the drama , the legend , the other plays , folk stories and the real social life . The fourth part : the national cultural spirit reflected by the traditional opera in the Qin Dynasty . This part discusses the national cultural spirit embodied in the traditional opera of Qin Dynasty from the spirit of patriotism , loyalty and the struggle spirit embodied in the characters of the Qin Dynasty . In the fifth part , the arrangement of excellent Qin - cavity plays is described briefly . On the stage of Qin Dynasty , most of the dramas have been specially adapted and adapted . The concluding part , summarizes the whole text , emphasizes the social and cultural value of the opera art form of Qin Dynasty , and puts forward as a precious local opera style , has the important value and broad development space of protection and inheritance .
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