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发布时间:2018-01-27 08:01

  本文关键词: 聊斋戏 聊斋志异 改编 差异 传奇 杂剧 出处:《华东师范大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《聊斋志异》是中国古代文言小说的集大成之作,问世以来有百余篇故事被改编为戏曲,改编剧种不下四十余种,剧目多达三百余出。本文集中研究清代根据《聊斋志异》改编的传奇杂剧,把它们和相对应的小说进行多方面的比较,总结小说改编成戏曲的变化,探讨小说和戏曲两种文体之间的差异,在此基础对聊斋戏的总体特征进行总结。 本论文分六个部分。 第一部分《引言》简述清代“聊斋戏”的研究现状,确定自己研究的重点。 第二部分(第一章)《清代聊斋戏作家作品述评》:介绍清代“聊斋戏”的作家生平,结合作家的生平对“聊斋戏”创作的背景进行简单的介绍,讲述其与小说的差异之处。 第三部分(第二章)《聊斋小说改编为戏曲后的变化》:分两节来论述,第一节论述的主题思想方面的变化,第二节论述艺术特色方面的变化,主要从角色,人物性格、情节方面来论述。在论述的基础上,分析戏曲与小说两种文体之间的差异。 第四部分(第三章)《聊斋戏的总体特征》:从七个方面概括“聊斋戏”的总体特征,结合清代中后期杂剧传奇发展特点比较总结。 第五部分(第四章)《聊斋戏作家作品个案研究》:一,详细介绍聊斋戏作家钱维乔的生平,在此基础上对其作品的特点进行分析,探讨形成这些特点的原因:二,介绍黄燮清的生平,对他的两部聊斋戏进行分析,结合创作背景探讨作家个人经历对作品形成的影响。 第六部分《结语》,总结小说与戏曲之间的互动影响,,归纳聊斋戏研究的价值所在。
[Abstract]:< > is a master of ancient Strange Tales from Liaozhai China for novels, since the advent of more than one hundred stories have been adapted for the opera, opera adaptation of not more than 40, plays up to more than 300. This paper focuses on the study of the Qing Dynasty according to the < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai adaptation of the legendary drama, and their corresponding novels are compared in many aspects, summary the novel into a drama change, explore the differences between the novels and dramas of two kinds of style, the general characteristics of Liaozhai drama based summary.
This paper is divided into six parts.
The first part, "Introduction", gives a brief account of the research status of "Liao Zhai opera" in the Qing Dynasty, and determines the focus of his research.
The second part (the first chapter) commentary on the works of the Liao Zhai dramas in Qing Dynasty: introduce the life of the writer in the Qing Dynasty, and introduce the background of "Liao Zhai drama" in combination with the life of the writer, and tell the difference between it and the novel.
The third part (the second chapter) < Liaozhai novel for change: > opera after two sections, the first section discusses the change of the theme of change, the second section discusses the artistic features, mainly from the role, the character, the plot to discuss. Based on this, analyses the differences between traditional opera and two kinds of novel style.
The fourth part (third chapters): the general characteristics of Liao Zhai Drama: seven aspects summarize the overall characteristics of "Liao Zhai drama", combined with the development characteristics of the drama in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.
The fifth part (the fourth chapter) < Liaozhai drama writers: a case study on details of life, Liaozhai drama writer Qian Weiqiao, on the basis of the characteristics of the works through the analysis of the causes of the formation of these characteristics: two, introduces the life of Huang Xieqing, on his two Liaozhai drama analysis, combined with the background of the creation the author's personal experiences to influence the formation of work.
The sixth part, "conclusion", summarizes the interaction between the novel and the opera, and sums up the value of the study of the Liao Zhai opera.



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