本文关键词: 新时期 话剧 舞台美术 出处:《云南大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:21世纪是充满了竞争与挑战的世纪,同时它也是充满了发展机遇的世纪。随着话剧表演艺术的不断发展以及舞台美术与其他艺术不断的渗透,中国新时期的话剧舞台美术得到迅猛发展。本文尝试对新时期以来的话剧舞台美术作一些理论总结,探讨其进一步发展的前景。 话剧舞台美术是展现话剧表演效果的重要艺术手段,是话剧表演中直接与观众接触与交流的部分。作为一门综合性的舞台艺术,舞台美术是一种视觉艺术,也是一种空间艺术,是需创造一个符合剧本规定的特定环境。舞台美术以剧本演出为中心,综合舞台装置、服装、灯光、道具、化装、效果,形象地再现剧本所叙述的事件、人物及其生活环境。 本文分为三个部分,首先介绍了本文的选题背景、研究目的和意义及研究的具体内容。概述了舞台美术、舞台空间与布景以及舞台灯光的作用,从而为进一步引出本文的研究出发点做好铺垫。第二部分针对中国新时期话剧舞台美术特点进行分析,作为全文研究的基础,本部分分析了新时期话剧舞台美术从技术积累到艺术创造的再现、以及写实主义与风格化特点,从而为论述中国新时期的话剧舞台美术的作用提供了铺垫。第三部分探讨了中国新时期的话剧舞台美术的作用与魅力,分别就话剧舞台美术的写实再现魅力和写意再现魅力两个方面进行研究。 本文试图在在总结新时期舞台美术的基础上,发掘舞台美术的内涵和特点,为新时期话剧舞台表演的创新提供理论支持。
[Abstract]:21th century is a century full of competition and challenge, and also a century full of opportunities for development. The stage art of Chinese drama has developed rapidly in the new period. This paper attempts to make some theoretical summary of the stage art of modern drama since the new period, and probes into the prospect of its further development. As a comprehensive stage art, stage art is a visual art, which is an important artistic means to show the effect of drama performance, and is a part of direct contact and communication with the audience in the drama performance. It is also a kind of space art, and it is necessary to create a specific environment that conforms to the requirements of the screenplay. The stage art is centered on the script performance, synthesizing the stage installation, clothing, lighting, props, masquerades, effects, and vividly reproducing the events described in the script. People and their living environment. This paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, it introduces the background, the purpose and significance of the research and the specific contents of the research. It summarizes the role of stage art, stage space and setting, as well as stage lighting. The second part is to analyze the characteristics of the stage art of Chinese drama in the new period, as the basis of the full text research. This part analyzes the reappearance of stage art from technology accumulation to artistic creation in the new period, as well as the characteristics of realism and stylization. The third part discusses the role and charm of the stage art of Chinese drama in the new period. This paper studies the realistic reappearance charm and freehand reappearance charm of stage art in drama. This paper tries to explore the connotation and characteristics of stage art on the basis of summarizing the stage art in the new period, and provide theoretical support for the innovation of stage performance of modern drama in the new period.
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