发布时间:2018-03-14 05:32
本文选题:马金凤 切入点:美学 出处:《河北师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:马金凤被称为豫剧五大名旦之一,她在豫剧的发展过程中占据着重要地位。本文从对马金凤演艺事业做系统的梳理出发,从美学的角度分析马金凤持久魅力的原因,试图寻找更为科学的豫剧演唱方法,以促进我国戏曲声乐艺术的健康全面发展。文章共分五部分。 第一部分为绪论,介绍本文的研究缘起、研究意义、研究现状、文章框架、研究思路、研究方法等内容。马金凤在豫剧的发展过程中占据着重要地位,但在这一领域还缺少专项研究,还存在一定的空白。本文从美学的角度分析马金凤持久魅力的原因,试图对豫剧的未来健康全面发展提供思路。 第一章为马金凤演艺历程。以历史的顺序把马金凤的演艺历程分为四个时期:初期学习河北梆子经历;解放前学习豫剧过程转益多师;解放初期到文革期间的豫剧演唱;新时期宝刀不老。早年的家贫导致马金凤很小就练功唱戏并以此谋生,后来偶然的机会学豫剧,从此就唱了一辈子。马金凤向张芳金、管玉田、司风英学习祥符调唱法;又学习豫东调;又向燕长庚、翟燕身学习豫西调,马金凤在继承前辈艺术的同时,在唱腔上又兼收并蓄,大胆改革唱腔,吸取豫东调、豫西调之长,并融会贯通之,推动了豫剧发展。解放后,马金凤把传统剧目《老征东》加以全面整理改变,无论从其唱词、念白、还是动作服饰上都进行革新,这就成了《穆桂英挂帅》。后来到上海演出,竟然一炮打红。新的历史时期,马金凤一直活跃在豫剧舞台上。她还创办学校、广收弟子、扶持青年演员,至今“马派”艺术广为流传于社会。 第二章为马金凤演唱美学,包括马金凤对豫剧美的演绎;马金凤豫剧唱腔音乐探微;马金凤豫剧行腔分析;马金凤豫剧演唱中的咬字;马金凤豫剧演唱韵味分析。戏曲艺术综合了舞蹈、歌唱等因素,但是戏曲艺术绝对不是这些因素的简单拼凑。戏曲唱腔不但追求字正腔圆,而且还要注意演唱口形的优美,舞台上戏曲演员的表演在听觉、视觉上都要同时符合美学要求。马金凤在多年的演出实践中,结合自身的优势,博采众长,娴熟运用豫剧唱腔的美学规律,又根据社会发展的需要,力求新颖,推陈出新,创作出许多令人耳目一新的豫剧唱腔。马金凤是一位极有豫剧表演天赋的著名演员,加上儿时的刻苦训练,使得其在豫剧的演唱中能够把自己的人生感悟与剧中人物的身份完美的结合起来。马金凤假声翻高的音域非常宽广,动人心魄又魅力无穷,假声的运用不仅没有影响嗓音的正常发挥,反而有助于演唱抑扬顿挫旋律的产生,其豫剧唱腔“韵味”十足的保障是“字正腔圆”。她的演唱,最吸引人的就是善于展现曲折多变的腔调,真情的流露也提升了马金凤唱腔的韵味。 第三章为马金凤表演艺术的革新之美。马金凤作为一个派别的创始人物,自然有着更多对戏曲表演艺术的创新与发展之功。包括对剧本的改编、对化妆等原始道具的改革、对表演技法的继承与革新、对音乐的改造等等方面,或者可以说马派豫剧表演的方方面面都在继承的基础上有巨大的发展,这也是马派艺术永葆青春的原因。除了在唱腔中表现出的民族之美,在舞台上的每一个眼神,每一个动作都能体现出美,也就是在演出的每一分每一秒,演员都在努力展现美。马金凤与人合作,把传统《老征东》剧本改编为《穆桂英挂帅》,使前者无论从故事内容,演出时间,还是唱腔上都面目全新。从此,《穆桂英挂帅》成为马金凤及马派代表剧目,历久不衰,深受戏迷盛赞。对当代题材的豫剧的发展也付出了艰辛的努力,如其对《情系小浪底》、《母亲》、《李双双》、《红嫂》、《打牌坊》等付出大量心血。在马老的辛勤付出下,这些优秀的豫剧表演艺术家脱颖而出,马派弟子虽情况不同,年龄不一,但个个唱功非凡,技艺超群。在他们身上再现了马金凤的清脆明亮、秀丽华贵,使得马派艺术发扬光大,经久不衰。 最后为结论,我们认为马金凤的生活经历对她的豫剧表演事业是一个很大的促进。除此之外,个人对豫剧表演的认真负责态度,以及马老一颗不老之心保证了七十多年的演艺生涯始终伴随着创新精神,这些都是马老获得种种美誉的必不可少因素。
[Abstract]:Ma Jinfeng is known as one of the five famous opera, she plays an important role in the process of the development of Henan opera. This paper from the systematic review of Ma Jinfeng's career of Ma Jinfeng enduring reason analysis from the angle of aesthetics, trying to find a more scientific singing method of the opera, in order to promote the health of China's Opera vocal art comprehensive development. This article is divided into five parts.
The first part is the introduction, introduces the research origin, research significance, research status, research ideas, the framework and research methods. Ma Jinfeng plays an important role in the process of the development of Henan opera, but also the lack of special research in this field, there is still a blank. This paper analyses the reasons for enduring from Ma Jinfeng the angle of aesthetics, tries to Henan's future health comprehensive development to provide ideas.
The first chapter is Ma Jinfeng's acting process. With the historical order of the career of Ma Jinfeng is divided into four periods: the early learning experience before the liberation of Hebei Bangzi; learning process on the opera; during the liberation to the Cultural Revolution opera singing; new period. Early home leads to poor A good sword remains always sharp. Ma Jinfeng is very small in practice and to make a living, then the chance to learn from the opera, singing a lifetime. Ma Jinfeng to Zhang Fangjin, Yutian, our learning Fengying Xiangfu tune singing and learning; and to the East tune; Yan Chang, Zhai Yan learning Yuxi tone Ma Jinfeng inherited the predecessors, art at the same time, in the melody and eclectic, bold reform of singing, drawing Henan, Yuxi tone long, and together, to promote the development of the opera. After the liberation, Ma Jinfeng put the traditional repertoire "old East levy comprehensive consolidation > change, whether from the lyrics, spoken, or action The dress are innovative, and this became the "Mu Guiying command. Later to perform in Shanghai, even a red gun. The new historical period, Ma Jinfeng has been active in the opera stage. She is also the founder of the school, more apprentices, supporting young actor, since the Ma school art spread to the society.
The second chapter is Ma Jinfeng singing aesthetics, including the beauty of Ma Jinfeng opera opera singing the music of deduction; Ma Jinfeng; analysis of Ma Jinfeng Opera Opera Concert in the cavity; Ma Jinfeng articulation; analysis of Ma Jinfeng opera singing opera charm. Comprehensive art of dance, singing and other factors, but these factors is definitely not the opera art of opera singing not only simple patchwork. The pursuit of pronunciation, but also pay attention to the lip of the stage singing beautiful opera actor performances in the auditory, visual must also meet the aesthetic requirements. Ma Jinfeng performed in the years of practice, combined with their own advantages, skillful use of aesthetic rules learn widely from others'strong points, opera singing, and according to the needs of social development, and strive to be innovative, innovation create a lot of opera singing find everything fresh and new. Ma Jinfeng is an extremely talented actor with opera performances, and childhood The hard training, making it to the sentiment of life and the characters of their identity in the perfect combination of the opera singing in falsetto. Ma Jinfeng turned high range is very broad, and strike a deep chord infinite charm, not only did not affect the use of falsetto voice in normal play, but help singing melody cadence, the opera singing "flavor" full protection is "good". Her singing, the most attractive is the good show changing tone, to reveal the truth but also to enhance the charm of Ma Jinfeng singing.
The third chapter is the innovation of Ma Jinfeng's performing arts beauty. Ma Jinfeng as a group founder, has a natural of the drama innovation and development work. Including adaptation of the script, to reform the original make-up props, inheritance and innovation of performance techniques, transformation of the music and so on. Or you can say that the Ma school of Henan opera performance in all aspects of a great development on the basis of inheritance, which is why Ma art of eternal youth. In addition to the performance in singing the national beauty, every look on the stage, every action can reflect the beauty, that is in the performance of every second, the actors are trying to show beauty. Ma Jinfeng Co, the traditional "old East syndrome > > < script in command of Mu Guiying, the former from the story, show time, or singing are new features. From then on," Mu Guiying command Ma Jinfeng and Ma became > represented repertoire, long lasting, by the fans praised. The development of contemporary theme of the opera has made arduous efforts, as it is for the < > > < Xiaolangdi Dam, mother Li Shuangshuang, < >, < < > > which, playing Paul etc. to pay a lot of effort. In the old hard pay, these excellent opera performing artist Ma sent his talent shows itself, although the situation is different, age is not a, but all of them singing extraordinary, skilful in them. Ma Jinfeng's reproduction is crisp and bright, beautiful and luxurious, making the horse art flourish, enduring.
The last part is the conclusion, we think that Ma Jinfeng's life experience of her opera acting career is a great promotion. In addition, her serious and responsible attitude and performance, old horse a young heart to ensure that the more than 70 year career is always accompanied by the spirit of innovation, these are the essential factors of the old Ma all sorts of reputation.
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1 宋照敏;马金凤唱腔艺术初探[J];音乐研究;2005年03期