本文选题:喜剧小品 切入点:幽默话语 出处:《东北师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 喜剧小品是一种群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式,但与舞台的火爆相比,对喜剧小品中幽默话语的研究却显得门庭冷落。本文试图运用语用学以及篇章语言学中的一些重要理论,对喜剧小品中的幽默话语进行分析,探讨小品中幽默话语的形成机制与策略。 全文由五个部分组成,第一部分是引言,介绍喜剧小品幽默话语的研究状况以及本文的研究意义与论文框架,第五部分是结语,总结本文的内容并指出本文的创新、不足之处以及值得今后继续研究的课题。论文的第二、三、四部分为论文的主体。 论文的第二部分“喜剧小品中幽默话语的语用分析”,分别从合作原则的量、质、关系、方式四准则、面子理论和礼貌原则、指示语、预设、语境这些方面对喜剧小品中的幽默话语进行了详细的剖析,并举出实例加以说明,以阐释喜剧小品幽默话语的语用特征。 论文的第三部分“喜剧小品幽默话语的语篇解析”,采取“理论阐释—例子分析”的组织结构,重点分析喜剧小品幽默话语的衔接与连贯特征,本文认为喜剧小品幽默话语具有两套不同的衔接和连贯体系,不同体系的冲突引发了幽默。文章还分析了特殊语篇手段与喜剧小品中的幽默话语,其中重点阐述情境顿跌与巧设误会两种手段。 论文的第四部分“喜剧小品幽默话语的理解与接受”,认为幽默话语是交际的一种形式,其幽默效果和接受者的文化、地域以及幽默接受能力都有着千丝万缕的联系,因此我们必须考虑其接受问题。本部分分为两节,主要分析了方言与喜剧小品的信息量之间的关系以及幽默话语理解的个人因素。
[Abstract]:Comedy sketch is a kind of popular art form, but compared with the popular stage, the study of humorous discourse in comedy sketch is rather neglected. This paper attempts to use some important theories in pragmatics and textual linguistics. This paper analyzes the humorous utterances in comic sketches, and probes into the formation mechanism and strategies of humorous utterances in comic sketches. This paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the research situation of comic humor discourse, the significance and framework of this paper, and the conclusion of 5th part, summarizes the content of this paper and points out the innovation of this paper. The second, third and fourth parts are the main body of the thesis. The second part of the thesis "the pragmatic Analysis of humorous discourse in Comedy essay", respectively from the cooperation principle of quantity, quality, relationship, way four criteria, face theory and politeness principle, deixis, presupposition; Context makes a detailed analysis of humorous utterances in comic sketches and gives examples to illustrate the pragmatic characteristics of humorous utterances in comic sketches. The third part of the thesis, "the discourse Analysis of humor in Comedy essay", adopts the organizational structure of "theoretical explanation-case Analysis", focusing on the cohesive and coherent features of humorous utterance of comedy sketch. This paper argues that comic humor discourse has two different systems of cohesion and coherence, and the conflict of different systems leads to humor. One of the focus on the situation down and the two means of skillful misunderstandings. The fourth part of the thesis, "the understanding and acceptance of humorous discourse in comedy essay", holds that humorous discourse is a form of communication, and its humorous effect is inextricably related to the culture, region and ability of acceptance of humor. Therefore, we must consider its acceptance. This part is divided into two sections, which mainly analyze the relationship between dialect and the amount of information in comedy sketches and the personal factors of humorous discourse understanding.
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