本文选题:戏曲演出 + 市场营销 ; 参考:《上海戏剧学院》2009年博士论文
【摘要】: 戏剧营销就是营销主体对戏剧产品进行构想、筹划、市场定价、分销及促销的计划和实施,从而满足戏剧文化消费者的消费需求的市场交换活动。而戏剧营销的过程就是:戏剧制作人或策划人,在一定的市场认知及预期的基础上,策划和开发剧目,并实现剧本的舞台呈现,将之推向演出营销体系,并采取相关方法和措施,吸引观众走进剧场,从而完成戏剧产品的消费,实现预期收益。 随着社会经济的发展,市场供求关系逐渐从卖方市场向买方市场转变,市场营销的观念也从以生产为中心逐步转向以销售为中心。而21世纪的今天,营销早已经步入以顾客为导向的阶段。因此,对自己的现有和潜在客户进行充分的了解非常必要。我在2008年3月、4月对于上海的几个主要的剧场——逸夫舞台、上海大剧院、东方艺术中心、艺海剧院以及上海的一些写字楼宇进行了随机的观众调查,分五个方面——观众的休闲生活、观众的欣赏倾向、观众欣赏戏曲的目的和频率、观众对戏曲的接受度以及影响戏曲演出营销的因素,进行了详细的分析。 基于该份营销调研,本文总结出当代戏曲审美群体缩减的原因乃在于如下几个方面:戏曲与当代现实生活脱节、戏曲的节奏太慢、文化及休闲生活方式的多元化及年轻人自身的心理因素等。 营销学是对市场进行区域划分,即市场细分以后,进行目标市场的选择,然后确定自己产品的差异化,从而找准自己的市场定位。在正确定位的基础上,就可以实施策略性的营销了。本文力图对当前戏曲演出市场上散乱的营销方法进行归纳和总结,而得出了概念、人物、节庆、旅游、展会、整合和赛事七个方面的营销策略,并通过一些实际的案例来阐述相关策略。 戏曲的演出营销,作为文化营销的一种,必然有不同于其它普通商品市场营销的不同之处,这是研究戏曲演出营销不可回避的问题。戏曲演出营销相比普通商品的市场营销具有文化特性、体验特性、多元性、地域性和渗透性。戏曲演出营销也具有不同于一般商品市场营销的难点,即在于戏曲产品的文化属性、戏曲消费的现场性和戏曲审美的虚拟性。 我想,戏曲工作者,包括剧团从业人员和戏曲理论家等等,应该保持一个理性的心态。对于戏剧这类文化产品的营销来说,首先还是应该生产出好的产品,用好的产品来说话。与时俱进、推陈出新是中国戏曲生存发展的需要,也是弘扬戏曲文化的根本。因此,戏曲应该关注现实。我们应该在一定的尺度下,适当地对戏曲进行现代化的调整。我们必须大刀阔斧地进行尝试,大胆改革,保留精华,砍除冗顽。戏曲院团要认真进行经济体制的改革、人事制度的改革、用人机制的改革,建立奖惩机制和现代管理体制,主动出击,真抓实干,培养本剧种的明星领军演员,并培养熟悉热爱本剧种的编剧、导演、舞美人才,重用懂营销、会经营的人才,为戏曲开出一条充满生机的道路。
[Abstract]:The main idea of marketing is the marketing of drama, drama of product planning, market pricing, distribution and promotion planning and implementation, so as to meet the consumer demand of the drama cultural exchange activities. The process of marketing is that the drama theater producer or planner, based on market expectations and cognitive extent, planning and development the repertoire, and realize the script of the stage show, the performance to the marketing system, and take relevant measures and methods to attract the audience into the theater, thus completing the theatrical product consumption, achieve the expected benefits.
With the development of social economy, the relationship between market supply and demand gradually changed from seller market to buyer market, marketing concept is from the production center gradually shifted to sales as the center. Twenty-first Century today, marketing had already entered customer-oriented stage. Therefore, it is necessary for the full understanding of their existing and potential customers. I in March 2008 April in Shanghai, several major theater - Shaw arena, Shanghai Grand Theatre, the Oriental Art Center, Shanghai Art Theatre and some office buildings in Shanghai for the audience survey random, divided into five aspects: the audience's leisure life, the audience orientation, audience purpose and frequency of opera the audience for opera, opera performances and acceptance of the influence factors of marketing, are analyzed in detail.
Based on the marketing research, this paper concludes that the reasons for the reduction of aesthetic groups in contemporary operas are the following aspects: the disjointing of drama with contemporary real life, the slow pace of drama, the diversity of culture and leisure lifestyle, and the psychological factors of young people themselves.
Marketing is the regional division of the market, the market segmentation, target market selection, and then determine the differences of their products, so as to find their own market position. Based on the correct orientation, can implement strategic marketing. This paper tries to the opera scattered on the market marketing method and summarized and concluded the concept, characters, festivals, tourism, exhibition, the seven aspects of integration and event marketing strategy, and through some practical examples to explain the related strategies.
The performance of traditional opera as a kind of marketing, cultural marketing, there must be differences between different from other ordinary commodity marketing, this is the study of opera performance marketing can not be avoided. The drama performance marketing compared to ordinary commodity market marketing has the cultural characteristics, experience characteristics, diversity, regional opera and permeability. The show also has difficulty in marketing is different from general merchandise marketing, is the cultural attribute of opera products, opera and opera aesthetic consumption of the scene of the virtual.
I think the drama workers, including theatre practitioners and drama theorist and so on, should maintain a rational attitude. For this kind of drama of cultural product marketing, first of all should produce a good product, a good product to speak. Chinese need to keep pace with the times, innovation is the survival and development of the opera, but also promote the fundamental opera culture. Therefore, the drama should pay attention to reality. We should be in a certain scale, due to the modernization of opera. We must make snap to try, bold reform, keep the essence, eliminate redundant coercive. Reform of opera troupes should conscientiously carry out the economic system, the reform of the personnel system reform, employment mechanism the establishment of incentive mechanism, and modern management system, take the initiative to work hard, to cultivate the opera star leading actor, and familiar with the culture of the screenwriter, director, dance The beauty of talent, the reuse of marketing, the talent that will run, a road full of vitality for the opera.
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