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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:16

  本文选题:开封二夹弦 + 文本特色 ; 参考:《河南大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 在经济全球化的背景下,中国传统戏曲尤其是地方稀有剧种受到强烈冲击,生存环境岌岌可危,陷入难以摆脱的困境。如何保护和传承被筛选列入国家非物质文化遗产名录的稀有剧种,维护文化原生态的平衡,是当下文化学者面临的重大课题。 河南地处中原,是举世公认的戏曲大省,至今活跃的地方戏剧种仍有20余种,辐射面大,影响深远。在被誉为“中华戏剧之都”的开封及其周边地区,流行着一种独具特色的地方小戏——“开封二夹弦”。开封二夹弦作为开封地区极具代表性的地方剧种,融当地的民俗、音乐、刺绣、传说故事等于一体,生动体现着 古都开封厚重质朴的文化传统。 本文将以开封二夹弦传统剧目的文本作为研究对象,尽可能地对其所蕴含的文化内涵进行解读。 全文共分引言、正文、结语三大部分。 引言部分,简述本文选题缘起和论证视角。 正文部分分五章。 第一章:二夹弦的历史溯源及其在开封的发展该部分从史料入手,通过对材料的整理和归纳,梳理二夹弦的源流变迁,介绍二夹弦在开封是如何一步步走向成熟的。 第二章:开封二夹弦剧本形态及剧目来源 剧本是本论题研究的重点。该部分通过对文本来源的考证为阐释论述打好基础。 第三章:开封二夹弦传统剧目的思想内涵 该部分通过对剧目进行分类探索,逐次对各个类型的剧目所具有的思想内涵进行剖析、归纳、提炼。 第四章:开封二夹弦传统剧目文本特色 该部分是本文的创新部分,它比较深入地挖掘了剧目的文本特色,是在前辈学者研究成果基础上的拓展和深入。 第五章:开封二夹弦的现状和未来思考 没有对未来的合理思考就不可能成就开封二夹弦的再度辉煌。通过对开封二夹弦现状和未来的深入思考,以期为其传承和发展提供一些新的思路和方法。 结论部分对开封二夹弦的艺术生命如何更好地在未来得到发展提出展望和建议。
[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, the traditional Chinese opera, especially the local rare opera, is hard to get rid of. How to protect and inherit the rare dramas listed in the national intangible cultural heritage list and maintain the balance of the original culture is an important subject facing the cultural scholars. Henan Province, located in the Central Plains, is recognized as a major opera province in the world. There are still more than 20 kinds of local operas active up to now. In Kaifeng and its surrounding areas, known as "the capital of Chinese drama", there is a unique local opera-"Kaifeng two chords". Kaifeng two chords as a representative of the Kaifeng area of local drama, blend local folklore, music, embroidery, legend is equal to one, vividly reflect The cultural tradition of the ancient capital Kaifeng is heavy and simple. In this paper, the text of Kaifeng two chords traditional plays as the research object, as far as possible to the cultural connotation of its interpretation. The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. Introduction, this paper briefly describes the origin of the topic and the perspective of argument. The text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter: the historical origin of the two chords and their development in Kaifeng. This part starts with the historical materials, combs the source and stream changes of the two chords through the collation and induction of the materials, and introduces how the two chords move to maturity step by step in Kaifeng. Chapter two: the form and source of Kaifeng's second chord script The play is the focus of this thesis. This part lays a good foundation for the explanation by textual research on the source of the text. Chapter three: the ideological connotation of the traditional repertoire of Kaifeng's two chords This part analyzes, induces and refines the ideological connotations of various kinds of plays through the classification and exploration of the repertoire. Chapter four: the characteristics of the text of the traditional repertoire of Kaifeng's two chords This part is the innovation part of this paper, it excavates the text characteristic of the play more deeply, is the expansion and the depth based on the predecessor scholar's research result. Chapter five: the present situation and Future thinking of Kaifeng's two chords Without reasonable thinking about the future, it is impossible to achieve the second chord of Kaifeng again brilliant. Through deep thinking on the present situation and future of Kaifeng's two chords, this paper hopes to provide some new ideas and methods for its inheritance and development. In conclusion, the author puts forward some prospects and suggestions on how to develop the artistic life of Kaifeng's two chords in the future.


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