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发布时间:2018-07-03 08:47

  本文选题:项目管理 + 建设项目 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 加强公共文化服务体系建设,是推动社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣,提高国家文化软实力的必然要求,也是满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求、更好地保障人民基本文化权益的重要途径。建立健全公共文化设施,是一个城市繁荣文明程度的标志。青岛市按照山东省委提出的“由文化资源大省向文化强省跨越”的要求,提出了全面实施文化强市战略。基本建设项目是一项非常复杂的系统工程,其中隐藏着许多潜在的威胁。但由于人们认识水平的局限性和信息本身的滞后性,人们对项目建设的许多潜在的威胁并不知晓或认识不清,因此,在项目建设的各个周期,人们面临着各种各样的风险。由于风险可能会给投资者带来损失,因此,为避免或减少损失,投资者需要对风险进行管理。 本文主要采用理论实践与案例分析相结合的方式,在借鉴国内外基本建设项目风险管理研究的基础上,依托青岛大剧院项目载体,通过介绍青岛大剧院项目建设的必要性、区位需求、立项与资金筹集,以及建设、预期运营等情况,重点突出青岛大剧院项目作为公益性项目投资、建设、运营三个环节的风险识别、风险分析和风险应对,研究了公益性政府投资项目全过程风险管理。 本文的研究内容主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分为引言,简要介绍论文研究背景和研究意义,分析研究发展现状,并提出本文研究方法与框架,论文创新之处与研究不足。第二部分为政府公共投资项目风险管理的理论基础。介绍政府公共投资项目的定义、特点,阐述建设工程项目风险类型,风险识别、分析与评估以及风险应对与监控的理论与方法。第三部分为青岛大剧院项目基本情况。介绍青岛大剧院概况、国内外相关情况及项目的立项、建设及预期运营情况,论述青岛大剧院项目的社会经济效益。分析青岛大剧院项目的政府投资公益性、基础建设设施及群众文化设施特点,为下文提出公共文化设施项目存在的风险奠定基础。第四部分为青岛大剧院项目的风险识别与分析研究。运用风险识别理论,针对青岛大剧院项目特点,对比一般建设项目对其在的立项、建设及预期运营环节的风险进行识别,同时,运用风险分析方法对风险进行评估。第五部分为青岛大剧院项目的风险防范研究。针对青岛大剧院项目在立项、建设及预期运营环节存在的风险,从建设项目共有风险与青岛大剧院项目特有风险两方面提出防范措施。第六部分结语。对论文进行总结,提出青岛大剧院风险管理研究对公共文化设施建设风险管理的借鉴与意义,对存在的不足和未来研究的方向和思路予以展望。 本文的创新点是将项目管理风险研究理论和方法引入政府投资项目效益审计中,为政府投资公共文化设施风险研究提供理论基础和模型。
[Abstract]:Strengthening the construction of the public cultural service system is an inevitable requirement for promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture, raising the soft power of the national culture, and also meeting the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of the people. An important way to better protect the people's basic cultural rights and interests. The establishment and improvement of public cultural facilities is a symbol of the prosperity and civilization of a city. In accordance with the request of Shandong Provincial Party Committee that "from a large province of cultural resources to a strong province of culture", Qingdao puts forward the strategy of comprehensively implementing the strategy of "strengthening the city by culture". Capital construction project is a very complex system engineering, in which many potential threats are hidden. However, because of the limitation of people's understanding level and the lag of information itself, people do not know or understand many potential threats of project construction. Therefore, in each cycle of project construction, people are faced with various kinds of risks. Since risk can bring losses to investors, investors need to manage it to avoid or reduce losses. This paper mainly adopts the method of combining theory and practice with case analysis, on the basis of drawing lessons from the risk management research of domestic and foreign capital construction projects, relying on the project carrier of Qingdao Grand Theater, introducing the necessity of Qingdao Grand Theater project construction. Location demand, project establishment and fund raising, construction, expected operation, etc., the emphasis is on the risk identification, risk analysis and risk response of the Qingdao Grand Theater project as a public welfare project investment, construction and operation. The whole process of risk management of public welfare government investment project is studied. The research content of this paper mainly includes the following several parts: the first part is the introduction, briefly introduces the research background and the research significance, analyzes the present situation of the research development, and puts forward the research method and the frame of this paper, the innovation of the paper and the insufficiency of the research. The second part is the theoretical basis of risk management of government public investment projects. This paper introduces the definition and characteristics of government public investment projects, and expounds the theories and methods of risk types, risk identification, analysis and evaluation, risk response and monitoring for construction projects. The third part is the basic situation of Qingdao Grand Theater project. This paper introduces the general situation of Qingdao Grand Theater, the relative situation at home and abroad, the project establishment, construction and expected operation, and discusses the social and economic benefits of Qingdao Grand Theater Project. This paper analyzes the characteristics of public welfare, infrastructure and mass cultural facilities of Qingdao Grand Theater project, which lays the foundation for putting forward the risk of public cultural facilities project. The fourth part is the risk identification and analysis of Qingdao Grand Theater project. According to the characteristics of Qingdao Grand Theater project, the risk identification theory is used to identify the risk in the project, construction and expected operation of the general construction project. At the same time, the risk analysis method is used to evaluate the risk. The fifth part is the risk prevention research of Qingdao Grand Theater project. Aiming at the risk of Qingdao Grand Theater project in project establishment, construction and expected operation, this paper puts forward the preventive measures from two aspects: the common risk of construction project and the unique risk of Qingdao Grand Theater project. Conclusion of the sixth part. The paper summarizes the risk management of Qingdao Grand Theater and puts forward the reference and significance of the risk management in the construction of public cultural facilities. It also looks forward to the shortcomings and the direction and ideas of future research. The innovation of this paper is to introduce the theory and method of project management risk research into the benefit audit of government investment projects, and to provide a theoretical basis and model for the research on the risk of government investment in public cultural facilities.


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