[Abstract]:As an important cultural and artistic form of our country, Beijing Opera enjoys unparalleled praise in the world. However, like many cultural heritages, Peking Opera has also experienced a low point of development. As a new form of inheritance, it is of great significance to study it in theory and practice. The author studies the curriculum policy of Beijing Opera into School from the perspective of cultural heritage. The research idea can be summarized as problem combing-theory analysis-practice discussion-theoretical reflection. In the first part, the author will sort out the debate about "Beijing Opera into School", and then integrate the controversial views into a unified clue. That is, the debate about the curriculum policy of "Beijing Opera into School" actually revolves around the basic problem of educational equality. In the second part, the author will start with the basic principle of pedagogy, that is, equality of education. In the third part, in order to further explain the issue of the policy of "Beijing Opera into School," we must also understand the necessary conditions in practice. Therefore, the author makes a survey on A Primary School, points out the problems of this curriculum policy from the practical operational level, and then tries to find a solution to the problem through the discussion of the construction of the three-level curriculum system; in the fourth part, The author will reflect on the basic theory of education involved in the above three parts, and put forward the significance and principle of educational content selection, the unity and pluralism of educational content system from the perspective of cultural inheritance. On the basis of reflection on school-only theory, the author thinks about the coordination and unification of school education, family education and social education.
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