[Abstract]:The development of contemporary drama has entered an era when all kinds of drama schools are learning from each other and developing together. The boundaries between drama schools have become slightly blurred. But it is precisely because of the diversity of the drama itself in the present era that the director is more relaxed about the use of props, thus enabling the props to have more functionality, in many senses, Props are no longer "objects" on traditional theatrical stage, but dissimilate into "human", evolved into "speechless actors", with their own "body", the form of beauty to the audience, telling the world of drama brilliant. Nowadays, there seems to be a misconception in drama that the more fashionable the younger, the more gorgeous the audience. Therefore, many directors and investors do not hesitate to invest heavily in building grand dance beauty. The stage of the play has hundreds of extras and hundreds of props. It cannot be denied that the high technology of the modern stage will, to a certain extent, increase artistic expressiveness. However, it is by no means the root of artistic success. The pursuit of visual effects affects the expressive power of the ontology of the dramatic works to the situation, and even weakens the beauty of the freehand brushwork of the drama, which puts the cart before the horse. This thesis mainly combines the study of theory and practice in the field of drama and drama, connecting with the classical works created by famous contemporary directors, and how to make better use of props in the creation of directors. The function and function of props are raised to aesthetic level in order to enlighten themselves or others.
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