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发布时间:2018-07-29 10:25
【摘要】:斯美塔那是19世纪民族乐派的代表性人物,,他倾其一生致力于捷克民族音乐文化的发展,被后人尊称为“捷克音乐之父”。在他一生创作的大量音乐作品中,歌剧《被出卖的新娘》是他歌唱剧创作杰出的代表作。《被出卖的新娘》以它人物性格的朴素单纯、情感的自然流露以及浓厚的民族性音乐和强烈的戏剧性,成为各国歌剧院民族性歌剧常演不衰的经典作品。 本文以三部分来探究《被出卖的新娘》的音乐戏剧性:首先追溯了斯美塔那的生平及创作观念以及《被出卖的新娘》较为详细的戏剧剧情;其次从序曲、宣叙调、咏叹调、重唱等方面入手着重分析了这部歌剧的音乐结构形式;最后通过对人物性格、人物内心情感以及戏剧冲突的音乐刻画来探索作曲家是如何运用音乐阐释《被出卖的新娘》的戏剧性,从而探寻其音乐与戏剧性高度统一的效果,阐明其保持经久不衰的艺术魅力。
[Abstract]:Smedana is a representative figure of the national music school in the 19th century. He devoted his whole life to the development of the Czech national music culture, and was honored as "the father of Czech music". Among the many musical works he has written throughout his life, the opera "the betrayed Bride" is an outstanding masterpiece of his singing operas. "the betrayed Bride" is the simple and simple character of his characters. The natural expression of emotion, strong national music and strong drama have become the classic works of national opera in various countries. This paper explores the musical drama of the betrayed Bride in three parts: firstly, it traces the life and creative concept of Smedana and the more detailed drama plot of the betrayed Bride, and secondly, from the prelude, the narration, the aria. The music structure of the opera is analyzed in the aspects of duet singing and so on. Finally, the character of the characters is analyzed. The characters' inner feelings and the musical depiction of dramatic conflicts explore how the composer uses music to interpret the drama of the betrayed Bride, and thus to explore the highly unified effect of its music and drama. Clarify its enduring artistic charm.


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