[Abstract]:In recent years, with the constant renewal of drama ideas, creative methods and people's living state, social state, psychological state and aesthetic orientation, Among the characters with different characters, villains attract the aesthetic needs of performers and audiences with their unique charm. The villain characters in drama have the characteristics of tragedy, contradiction and villain. Most of them behave perverse, come out and dare to challenge, which is the contradictory carrier of theory and desire in drama. Therefore, the villain is good at the character of villain. The tension of the dramatic rhythm and the sense of freedom to transcend the drama make the dramatic plot achieve the dynamic balance in the contradiction and opposition. Often, such characters are the most able to reveal the essence of the real society. So that the audience's emotions can be released in emotional stimulation and aesthetic pleasure. Playwrights often reveal the essence of reality with the help of villains' struggle in thought and rebellion in spirit. And those restless villains are the source of human progress. In this paper, through the three angles of the task of the villain in the theatrical performance, the shaping elements and the aesthetic value of the dramatic performance, the paper discusses the four chapters by using the literature research analysis method, the observation method, the case analysis method and the descriptive research method. To explore the value and significance of villains in theatrical performances.
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