[Abstract]:The opera Mulan Psalm is an outstanding original opera in our country. The creators have successfully combined the two different artistic forms of the East and the West. Symphonies, operas, dances, and folk music have achieved a high degree of integration in this opera. Therefore, once the opera was launched, it was praised and widely praised by domestic and foreign vocal music experts. Based on the well-known story of Mulan joining the army for his father, the work eulogizes the traditional virtues of Chinese women in the form of scene symphony, and conveys the theme of humanity's love of peace and calling for peace. Mulan is the main role in the opera, all the plot and the development of music with Mulan's musical image as the main line. Mulan has many identities in the play, not only as a daughter in front of his parents, but also as a heroine in the field, and as a woman in front of love. All the tracks of Mulan run through the opera and form the main body of the opera. They not only play an important role in deepening the theme of opera, but also lay a firm foundation for the promotion of drama contradictions. In view of this, this paper takes the role shaping and artistic processing of Mulan in the opera "Mulan Psalm" as the research object. On the basis of analyzing the music and plot structure of Mulan Psalm, this paper analyzes the different roles of Mulan in the play. And select its main track for targeted research, with the help of the relevant theory of vocal art, a careful analysis of the case of Mulan choir, according to the plot of each track and the different psychological activities of the role, The author gives his own opinions and suggestions on how to correctly understand and grasp Mulan's main role from the angle of singing, hoping to provide some useful reference and help to the majority of vocal music lovers when they sing this opera.
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