[Abstract]:Zhengzheng opera circle often "Mei (Lan Fang) Zhou (Xin Fang)" said that the two people as reform, progress of the performing arts masters together to commemorate, which makes people tend to pay attention to their common ground, and intentionally or unintentionally ignored, Avoid or hide the two people in the cultural nature of the obvious differences. Most of the "Mei Party" around Mei Lanfang are old-fashioned literati, while Zhou Xinfang and Tian Han, Ouyang Yuqian, on the new cultural front, are all very close to each other, even when it comes to the acquaintance of life and death. Naturally, in the concept of acting, they are asking for each other, echoing each other. In the Beijing Opera reform on the road to step by step, mutual support. All this profoundly influenced their respective theatrical practices. If we say that Tian Han, Ouyang Yuqian and Zhou Xinfang are the troika of Chinese opera reform with new cultural concepts in the 20th century, then, generally speaking, there will be little doubt about the first two, but, For the Peking Opera artist born Zhou Xinfang also into this camp, I am afraid there will inevitably be objections. What this article wants to say is precisely, because of the existence of Zhou Xinfang and a group of new performing artists, Tian Han, Ouyang Yuqian and others
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