[Abstract]:One of the influential troupes in the Border region is the Bayi troupe in the Guanzhong Subarea of the Central Shaanxi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region. Originally called the July Theatre, it was founded on July 1, 1939. At that time I was nine years old, and the regiment belonged to me. I used to work as a handyman at Yu Maoxing Shoe Shop (the party's underground contact point) opened by my uncle Han Jialu in Donglao Lane, Xi'an. One day in 1938, my uncle led me to meet Wang Feng, then head of the United Front work Department of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee. And asked me, "Mr. Wang wants to take you to eat grain (as a soldier). Will you?" Wang Feng also said: "not afraid, I take care of." In April and May of the same year, he led me to take part in the revolution. In June, the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee (in the name of the 115th Division of the eighth Route Army, living in Yunyang Town, Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, then under the jurisdiction of Jiang Jieshi) received instructions from the Central Committee. In the activities to mark the first anniversary of the War of Resistance against Japan on July 7, it is necessary to publicize the establishment of the National Unification War by our Party.
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