time and space 在 戏剧电影与电视艺术 分类中 的翻译结果
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time and space
Time and Space in Theatre
Outsider in the Fragmentary Time and Space——The Modernistic Style of Wong kar-wai's Films
Cutting through the Time and Space of Movie Images ——The Wandering Fifth Generation
Cultural Connotation in the Interlacement of Time and Space——On narrative time and space in films and telefilms
时空交错 文化蕴涵——论影视剧的叙事时空
Time and Space of the Cultural Paradox and Post-Modernism:A Cultural Study on A Modern Play of Journey to the West in Terms of Time and Space
Time and Space:The Original Structure of Drama
The purpose of this study is to show archetypal struction of drama from time and space.
戏剧是一种时空复合艺术 ,戏剧的原型结构是通过时间和空间展开的。
The light can present itself for our appreciation,and can incarnate the characteristics of the picture in time and space.
光线可以进行审美观照和审美欣赏 ,能体现画面时间和空间上的特征。
Shifts in time and space in film,a comprehensive art in this regard,are of great potential because they contain the profundity of indigenous culture.
With analyzing point of view , time and space structure of "poetic being" in Movie & TV Drama, this paper presents consistency of point of view, complete configuration of image’s time and space in audience's imagination and relevant conclusions as following: Firstly, we should keep consistency of the point of view in a certain section by specifying the image’s style and the identity of the hidden observers.
Chinese traditional way of Composting a picture , perspective ,changing sight and unlimited time and space have instructional meaning on shooting.
The Third Time and Space:Lost
But one thing we certainly believe that whatever the changes of patterns will take place in the stage art of theatre, The drama which is performing publicly and seeing and performing at the same time will still keep its unreplaceable charming,only the conceptions of time and space have been new connotation and denotation.
In classical Chinese drama scripts, there occurred the personified time, with personal features by artistic mutual communication with the characters of the play and thus another amusing aspect of time culture provides us an opportunity to see some things in human nature beyond the limitation of time and space.
It,combined changeable elements in time and space,broke the traditional way of narration.
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time and space
Third, ecological water requirements are related to a multiple system including water quality, water quantity, and time and space, which interact with each other.
The difference approximation in time and space of the original continuous equations (Part I) was discussed.
The cases in which (1) time-changes in oil saturation can be neglected and (2) pressure and oil saturation distributions in time and space described by a common system of differential equations are studied separately.
Parameter variability related to changes in environmental quality in time and space was analyzed.
Rotation of the flow structure behind the shock wave relative to the axis of symmetry was observed as the flow pattern develops in time and space.
Based on "The Function and Development of Stage Lighting", the article discusses the final chapter of the history of the development of stage lighting, mean while pointing out the five stages in stage lighting ; 1. Lighging is "lightening" ;2. The beginning of controlled lighting; 3. Natural fantasy ; 4. expressing the internal sentiments ; 5. Going towards the era of lighting. Selected from the fifth chapter, the article depicts a glorious era of lighting from stage lighting and its musicality, the changing...
Based on "The Function and Development of Stage Lighting", the article discusses the final chapter of the history of the development of stage lighting, mean while pointing out the five stages in stage lighting ; 1. Lighging is "lightening" ;2. The beginning of controlled lighting; 3. Natural fantasy ; 4. expressing the internal sentiments ; 5. Going towards the era of lighting. Selected from the fifth chapter, the article depicts a glorious era of lighting from stage lighting and its musicality, the changing time and space in stage,lighting designers in active and three-dimensional lighting and the function and application of large-scale art projects in stage lighting, ect.
Wang Xiaoying has indefatigably probed into the inherent laws and unique aesthetic quality of the stage hypothesis as an artistic medium of directors. By bringing out the latent potential of the stage hypothesis. Wang Xiaoying has been pursuing new narrative techniques which go beyond considering the stage hypothesis only as a means of breaking through representationally dramatic time and space.
The scence factuality,which concretely means real time and space,real news incidents and people relations,is an absolutely necessary pursuit of TV news.A TV news reporter must abide by the principle of factuality and adopt various means,including the means of concealed interview to realize scene factuality.
情境真实是电视新闻的必然追求 ,它的具体内涵包括时空环境以及特定的新闻事件和人物关系。电视记者必须恪守真实理念 ,捕捉一切有用的信息 ,灵活采用包括隐性采访手段在内的多样方法以实现情境真实
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