[Abstract]:Now, when we inherit and study the artistic heritage left to us by several modern masters of Peking Opera, people tend to focus on their achievements in performing arts and their representative repertoire. But at the same time, we must also attach importance to their drama ideas. It is necessary for every great artist to organize, study and inherit the drama thought of the great artists, and it is also indispensable to the theoretical work of Beijing Opera art. Master Mei Lanfang did only one thing in his life, acting Beijing Opera. He is not a professional Beijing Opera theorist, has not written systematic theoretical works, but in more than 40 years of Beijing Opera art life, of course, he has accumulated a wealth of artistic experience, and got a lot of experience from it, forming his own artistic point of view. He wrote a lot of articles about Beijing opera and local opera, and gave a lot of lectures, which contained his profound drama thought developed from individual artistic viewpoints. Over the past decades, Mei Lanfang researchers have done a lot of effective research work. In the present period
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