[Abstract]:The present form of Chinese traditional drama is accumulated by the continuous extension of the media. From the perspective of "media", we can divide the form of the present existence of traditional drama into "show" drama, which depends on "manifestation medium" in stage performance. There are three main forms of "reproducing" drama which depend on "reproducing medium" in script and music spectrum, and "mechanical / electronic" drama which depend on "mechanical / electronic medium" in network data. Examining the process of "extension" of traditional Chinese Drama Media, There are three enlightening conclusions for the positive thinking of the development of traditional drama: (1) the media of Chinese traditional drama is a combination of "multiple" media extending from "multiple" sources ";" 2) among the media that the traditional Chinese drama continues to extend, there is one that runs through the "media extension", which can eliminate the media conflict. Realizing the "Red Line" of Media Fusion-to release the artistic charm of the traditional drama "show" performance more fully (; 3) "extension" is only the mode of communication of Chinese traditional drama, and the "artistic endoplasm" of Chinese traditional drama has not been "changed" with the extension of the media. Therefore, it is proposed that in this "electronic media age", while actively adapting to the new media, we should guard the "artistic essence" of Chinese traditional drama. The development of Chinese traditional drama is the most important thing. It is the new repertoire that makes the artistic charm of the traditional Chinese drama "show" to be full and full of its artistic charm. It is the most important thing for the future development of the Chinese traditional drama to release the new repertoire.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学人文社会科学学院;
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