[Abstract]:Sand puppet opera is an intangible cultural heritage project in Enshi City, Hubei Province, and its representative successor is puppet artist Cheng Fu. His time in art is very short, and if he adds up all the time associated with puppet play in his life, it won't last more than 10 years. However, the relationship between Xiang Chengfu's life and puppet play has witnessed the true historical trend of sandy puppet opera in the past 80 years. At present, the protection and inheritance of sandy puppet play is facing an extremely severe test, whether from the basic conditions of intangible cultural heritage protection or from the point of view of local people's understanding and recognition of sandy puppet opera. The outcome of its inheritance and conservation is likely to end in the permanent disappearance of the puppet play in the sand.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学戏剧与影视学博士后流动站;两岸协创中心福建师范大学文化研究中心;
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