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发布时间:2019-03-23 15:46
【摘要】:戏剧,是演员当众表演的一门综合的舞台艺术。每一种艺术都有自己特有的形式和模板,都会对这门艺术的发展规律、历史传承、基本的构成要素、表现特征和社会意义等有着详细的介绍,这就使得一门艺术的科学理论性要强。戏剧舞台表演中,节奏是一个重要的组成部分,也可以说是在舞台表演中能够成为戏剧冲突一个强有力的部分。节奏包括结构、重音和强弱、紧张和松弛、时间的长短和拍子。在音乐和美术中都存在着节奏,所以怎么样正确的把握节奏、怎么样在话剧舞台表演中运用节奏就是一个值得钻研和总结的问题。 在话剧舞台上,从剧作家创作出的剧本开始,逐渐延伸到导演和演员的二度创作,再到舞台布景上,甚至观众在观看表演时的心理上都会产生不同的感觉,而这种感觉像一条剪不断的线一样贯穿整个表演当中,这就是话剧舞台表演的节奏,一个不能忽视的问题。人物的表情动作、人物的性格特征、矛盾冲突都是舞台表演节奏气氛的源头。导演和演员只要抓住它,才‘能准确的把握剧作家想表达的意境,观众也就能通过演员有节奏的表演而有所感悟了,进而达到创作的目的和增强演出的效果了 整个话剧表演过程中,导演的创作,演员的表演,甚至每一个舞台美术的组成部分,都有着自身的特点和节奏的差异,无论是哪种节奏、哪种差异,最终要达到的预想状态才是最关键的,也就是让整个演出成功。在话剧舞台表演中,演员的表演在整个结构中是最重要的、占主导地位的,导演运用演员这个“手段”可以说是诸多手段中最犀利也是最重要的一个。 话剧舞台上的舞台美术有的是绚丽多彩的,有的是简约明了的,但究其根本那就是让演出达到它应有的节奏而去为演员服务,声、光、景、服、化、道每一个环节都不容忽视,每一个环节都有自己特定的节奏特点,它创造出的那种环境和感觉都在激励着演员的表演,挖掘演员自身的创造力,演员在表演中的节奏才能“跟着感觉走”。
[Abstract]:Drama is a comprehensive stage art performed by actors in public. Each art has its own unique form and template, and it will have a detailed introduction to the law of its development, its historical inheritance, its basic constituent elements, its characteristics of expression and its social significance, and so on. This makes the scientific theory of an art stronger. In theatrical stage performance, rhythm is an important part and can be said to be a powerful part of dramatic conflict in stage performance. Rhythm includes structure, stress and strength, tension and relaxation, length of time and beat. There are rhythms in music and art, so how to correctly grasp the rhythm, how to use the rhythm in the drama stage performance is a problem worth studying and summarizing. In the drama stage, from the script created by the playwright, it gradually extends to the second creation of the director and the actor, to the stage setting, and even to the psychological feelings of the audience when watching the performance. And this feeling like a cutting line throughout the performance, this is the rhythm of the drama stage performance, a problem that can not be ignored. The expression and movement of the characters, the character characteristics of the characters, the contradictions and conflicts are all the sources of the rhythmic atmosphere of the stage performance. As long as the director and the actor grasp it, they can 'accurately grasp the artistic conception the playwright wants to express, and the audience will be able to feel something through the actor's rhythmic performance. Then, to achieve the purpose of creation and enhance the effect of the performance, the director's creation, the actor's performance, and even the components of each stage art have their own characteristics and rhythm differences in the whole performance process of the drama, the performance of the director, the performance of the actors, and even the components of each stage art. Regardless of the rhythm, the difference, the ultimate goal is to achieve the desired state is the most important, that is, to make the performance a success. In the stage performance of the drama, the actor's performance is the most important and dominant in the whole structure. The director's use of the actor's "means" can be said to be the sharpest and the most important one of the many means. Some of the stage art on the stage of drama is colorful, some are simple and clear, but the fundamental thing is to let the performance achieve its proper rhythm to serve the actors, sound, light, scenery, clothing, transformation, and Tao every link should not be ignored. Each link has its own specific rhythm characteristics, it creates the kind of environment and the feeling to inspire the actor's performance, excavates the actor's own creativity, the actor's rhythm in the performance can "follow the feeling".


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