[Abstract]:Using the method of field investigation, this paper studies the historical origin of Ma Jie Book Club, and makes an interview with the artists, so as to analyze the present situation of the existence of Ma Jie Book Club. "Ma Jie Book Club" is one of the two major book clubs in northern China. It is called "the Fair of Chinese qu Arts". It has a broad and profound mass base in Ma Jie Village and its surrounding counties and cities where the Ma Jie Book Club is located. In recent years, due to the increasing fame of Ma Jie Book Club, more and more people and scholars pay attention to it. The historical origin of Ma Jie Book Club has always been a hot topic among the scholars who study it. But mostly from the point of view of folklore, I hope that through the combination of music history and folklore, I can discuss this problem superficial, and put forward my own views on the origin of "Ma Jie Book Club". In the introduction part, it is divided into three parts: the research significance of this topic; the literature and research status quo of this topic; the research methods and objectives of this topic. In the text part, mainly divided into three chapters. The first chapter mainly analyzes the historical origin of "Ma Jie Book Club", introduces Ma Jie Book Club to Ma Jie Village and the main cultural landscape around it, and analyzes three kinds of theories about the origin of "Ma Street Book Club". It is concluded that the origin of Ma Jie Book Club should be no later than Song Dynasty. The second chapter mainly introduces the living situation of Ma Jie Book Club, including the interviews with artists and a brief description of the main kinds of songs that exist in the Club. The third chapter puts forward some suggestions on how to inherit and develop the Horse Street Book Club.
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