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发布时间:2019-05-22 10:48
【摘要】:《我是月亮》在南京大学仙林黑匣子小剧场进行了两轮共计二十场的演出,在这二十场的演出中,上座率最高达到150~200%,最不济时也达到20%。但若对观众群加以分析,学生为票房主力。而当初设想能够吸引来的社区观众,仅仅占到9%左右,从票房收效上来看,《我是月亮》向周边社区的迈入,作为社区戏剧的试验结果是失败的。但是毕竟《我是月亮》做了一次破冰的工作,它吸引了一定的年轻观众,并且初探了目前社区剧场的潜力,因而称之为一次有希望的失败。 论文正是建立在本人此次作为《我是月亮》的制作人的基础之上,对其作为社区戏剧进行了分析。首先介绍了《我是月亮》的基本演出情况,包括投资构成、每日票房、观众构成分析,通过表格和数据作为有力的支撑。随后,对社区戏剧的概念进行了阐释,社区戏剧不同于社区剧场,指的是任何面向社区居民的戏剧。目前对社区戏剧的了解都是从社区戏剧相当成熟的美国引荐而来,社区戏剧面向大众,社区剧团一般都在政府注册成为非盈利性组织。他们既能得到各种资金赞助,又能借助成熟的平台进行宣传,最重要的是,他们有着成熟的订票、购票制度。《我是月亮》作为校园戏剧资源进入社区戏剧,对双反的好处能用双赢来形容。校园戏剧可以走出封闭的校园,经受市场的考验;而社区,则是能够高效、节省的获得高质的文化资源。 《我是月亮》进行了一次作为社区戏剧的尝试,虽然成绩不尽如人意。在论文中,我对2011年南京市的整个话剧市场的话剧进行了一次统筹,并制作图表说明。并得出结论如果去除政府资助等因素,单纯从商业上考量,2011年南京本土的市民话剧在票房上全军覆没,几乎无一不是亏损的。 随后论文对《我是月亮》何以在社区戏剧上如此的失败做了原因上的分析,首先是剧本的选择和民众没有观戏习惯:作为独白剧,《我是月亮》过于意识流,讲述的不是人应该有的状态,而是人的有限性;社区居民对于话剧这一艺术形式还相当不熟悉,要么毫无兴趣要么持观望和迟疑态度。其次是宣传、售票上我们没有成熟的平台因而困境重重。但其中,通过自媒体的网络平台的使用,我们尝试到这种廉价有效的宣传方式,虽然《我是月亮》在其中做的仍然不够,但是我们完全能够大胆的预测,自媒体在日后宣传上举足轻重的作用。并且,我们意识到网络上“虚拟社区”的重大意义。是培养“票友”的重要基地。 最后,通过《我是月亮》的艺术实践以及论文分析,可以得出结论,社区戏剧的建设是一条漫长而艰苦的道路,但绝对是有希望实现的。
[Abstract]:I am the Moon has performed two rounds of 20 performances at the Xianlin Black Box Theater of Nanjing University. Among these 20 performances, the highest attendance rate is 150%, and the highest attendance rate is 20% when it is worst. However, if the audience is analyzed, students are the main box office force. At first, only about 9% of the community audience could be attracted. From the box office effect, the entry of "I am the Moon" into the surrounding community was a failure as a result of the community drama experiment. But after all, I am the Moon did an ice-breaking job, attracted a certain young audience, and explored the potential of the current community theater, so it is called a promising failure. This paper is based on my being the producer of "I am the Moon", and analyzes it as a community drama. First of all, this paper introduces the basic performance of "I am the Moon", including investment composition, daily box office, audience composition analysis, through tables and data as a powerful support. Then, the concept of community drama is explained. Community drama is different from community theater, which refers to any drama for community residents. At present, the understanding of community drama is introduced from the United States, where community drama is quite mature. Community drama is aimed at the public, and community drama troupes are generally registered as non-profit organizations in the government. They can not only be sponsored by all kinds of funds, but also promote with the help of mature platforms. Most importantly, they have a mature booking and ticket purchase system. "I am the Moon" entered the community drama as a campus drama resource. The benefits of double opposition can be described as a win-win situation. Campus drama can get out of the closed campus and stand the test of the market, while the community can obtain high quality cultural resources efficiently and saved. I am the Moon made an attempt as a community drama, although the results were not satisfactory. In this paper, I made a plan for the whole drama market in Nanjing in 2011, and made a chart to illustrate it. And concluded that if the removal of government funding and other factors, purely from a commercial point of view, the 2011 Nanjing local civic drama in the box office in the army, almost none of them are losing money. Then the paper analyzes why I am the Moon in community drama, first of all, the choice of the script and the people do not have the habit of watching the play: as a monologue, "I am the Moon" is too stream of consciousness. It is not about the state that people should have, but about the limitation of human beings. Community residents are not familiar with the art form of drama, either without interest or with wait-and-see and hesitation. Secondly, there is publicity, we do not have a mature platform on ticket sales, so there are many difficulties. But through the use of the online platform from the media, we have tried this cheap and effective way of publicizing, although I am the Moon is still not enough in it, but we are completely able to predict boldly. Self-media plays an important role in future propaganda. Moreover, we are aware of the great significance of "virtual community" on the Internet. It is an important base for cultivating ticket friends. Finally, through the artistic practice of "I am the Moon" and the analysis of the paper, we can draw the conclusion that the construction of community drama is a long and arduous road, but it is definitely hoped to be realized.


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