[Abstract]:If the traditional Chinese drama is used as a reference, the stage-time performance of Chinese traditional drama seems to be a real "infinite freedom". this is manifested in the fact that, in the relatively real world, the passage of its stage time is sometimes fast, sometimes slow (or even suspended), sometimes in synchronization with the actual time, and its stage space is sometimes compressed (also continuously converted), sometimes large, In some case, that equivalence (in this case, the space is generally fixed). But it is not only from the narrative of the drama or the character of the character, to understand the time-to-time, slow or spatial transformation of the Chinese traditional drama stage time. Unlike the western traditional drama, Chinese traditional drama is not a kind of "pure" 's narrative art, and it is often interspersed with various "point of play" (or "selling point"). In general, time is often compressed, space is constantly changing, and every "point of play", space is generally fixed, and time goes down. Therefore, in general, the space-time "infinite freedom" of the Chinese traditional drama stage is not of great significance, for the time being, the empty process is subject to various "point of play".
【作者单位】: 中国传媒大学;
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