本文选题:两种史实 + 音乐口述史 ; 参考:《天津音乐学院学报》2017年01期
[Abstract]:This paper aims at the question of whether the concept of oral history can be established or not, which is caused by the upsurge of oral history research and the rise of music oral history research in recent years. "Oral history is only a method or can become a branch of history research." "and a series of questions, From the viewpoint of two kinds of historical facts, this paper distinguishes the similarities and differences between the first kind of historical facts and the second kind of historical facts, and points out that the research of historiography should also fully explore the diversity of evaluative historical facts in the pursuit of the authenticity of deterministic historical facts at the same time. This paper distinguishes the difference between the evaluative historical facts of the text and the evaluative historical facts of the oral narration, pays close attention to the control and contention of the discourse (ideology) behind the historical writing, and further thinks that the establishment of the second historical fact can of course include the oral history of music for the oral history. Find its own value and significance as a branch of historiography.
【作者单位】: 中国音乐学院;中国音乐教育学会;中华口述史学会;
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